I need help finding a magazine I can order quilling supplies from

I luv quilling I'm sending a picture of some of my work for you guys to see if I can figure out how to do it. but I need help finding some real thin double sided tape for some of my quilling projects have any of you heard of Lisa-Marie Klup sjes from Denmark I found out about her by watching utube tried to order one of her books but they haven;t been translated to English yet so Barnes & Nobles or Amazon don't carry them yet anyway here goes with the pics wish me luck a quilling friend named Brenda

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5 replies since 12th March 2014 • Last reply 12th March 2014

I spelled the Quilling ladys name about the book wrong its Lisa- Marie Klip sorry

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This is a link to an on line Quilling shop… There are a ton of Magazines online that I am sure you can order from, but you'll probably want to choose which one you want, just google quilling supplies and it all pops up.

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Tonight, March 17th at 8pm Eastern Standard Time the sale they are having on the Quilling store ends and they are having 35% off Quilling tools…..

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You can order a free catalog at http://www.quilledcreations.com/catalog.asp

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Pretty sure Interweave publishers will have something

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