Letter Bead problems....

Hey peeps!

I have a small problem and I was wondering if you guys could maybe help me out?

I have these letter beads, spelling out the words wheatley, GLaDos and space. I also have 5 orange heart beads as well. Thing is, I have no idea what to use them for. I really want to make the wheatley one into a bracelet, but I can't seem to find a good tutorial.

Can you guys help??

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3 replies since 12th August 2014 • Last reply 12th August 2014

I would be willing to make a bracelet tutorial for you on here and post the link. I make jewelry and have some letters. They may not be exactly the letters you have, but I can try to use the same amount and show you how I made it.

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What kind of bracelet are you looking to make? If you live in the U.S., Wal-Mart's craft aisle has various types of beads and elastic string. You could try making kandi bracelets, which are just made out of pony beads and string. They're super easy and super fun!
Good luck Happy
(Below is an example of what kandi bracelets are. If the picture doesn't show up, you can just search them on google or something.)

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http://www.cutoutandkeep.net/projects/basic-bracelet-tutorial Here's the link to the tutorial I made.

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