
Monica · 10 projects
Looks fantastic!
at pixy stix: yeah they did..
Sleaze D P Ridgway
Sleaze D P Ridgway · Ottawa, Ontario, CA · 6 projects
kudos to using Got2b! They don't test on animals!
PixyStix6 · 5 projects
I'm really really confused, her hair is longer in the braid than before. They don't mention extensions!
kayla b.
kayla b.
She wears extensions all the time. She has fairly short hair naturally & a large collection of extensions in various colours & lengths that she interchanges given the look. They probably didn't mention it because the fact the she was wearing extensions wasn't anything different from the first look.
kellbear · 12 projects
eURGH half these hair products are bullcrap these days. Love the curled hair though. Looks lush. want my hair like that just isnt long enough yet and im kinda out the fake hair stage.
kellbear · 12 projects
eURGH half these hair products are bullcrap these days. Love the curled hair though. Looks lush. want my hair like that just isnt long enough yet and im kinda out the fake hair stage.
KT c.
KT c.
Your braid is "very Joan of Arc modern?" yeeeeeeah. good one audz.
Roxanne. · Sydney, New South Wales, AU
Anyone got any tips on how to achieve this? How has it working for you guys at home with our non fabulous non cashmere products? Lemme know girls! x
jasmyn b.
jasmyn b. · La Cañada Flintridge, California, US · 3 projects
Im not sold but I think i may try the smoothing stuff. I like the techniques most of all ( products can change but solid tactics on how to style are priceless Happy ) I have a huge problem with flyaways and stringy hair and it looked better after he used it.
allie a.
allie a. · Los Angeles, California, US · 15 projects
haha Audrey Kitching does long boring commercials for G2B now. haha. No thanks.

"it smells really nice" repeatedly won't make me buy it.
FrolleinKram · Las Vegas, Nevada, US · 132 projects
Part 1 is basically... buy a lot of stuff and do a braid. Uhm... yay...

And btw: cashmere is a state in india, the sweaters are done with the hair of a special indian goat.

So how do you get that into your hair product???
Simple answer: You don't. Its the same moneymaking bullshit with silk or pearl or whatever, you can't suck the smooth out of a pearl or a goat furr fiber and throw it in a hair product. Sorry for mythbusting...
peekaboo · 2 projects
Not going to buy the G2B, but definitely trying out that curling technique, haha.