**Happy grams!** (Fourth edition!)

412 replies since 17th September 2011 • Last reply 17th September 2011

Thanks Mary - just about to get crafting Happy

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I got a happygram yesterday! From Risa Hanae
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/63887105@N07/8661370382/" title="WP_000618 by Greengirlie, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8120/8661370382_a8782eb1fd.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="WP_000618"></a>
It was fab! She sent sweeties (not in the picture), a postcard and quite a lot of stash. I particularly like the green earrings & the bottlecup.
<a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/63887105@N07/8660269011/" title="WP_000620 by Greengirlie, on Flickr"><img src="http://farm9.staticflickr.com/8113/8660269011_7e760745e2.jpg" width="375" height="500" alt="WP_000620"></a>
Thanks hun!

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Yay! It got there safely! I am so glad you like everything Happy

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Received my happy gram from Lauren C. today. Thanks so much for EVERYTHING! Made my day. The package was gorgeous, I didn't want to cut it open. I love the card and felty ball and papers. My younger son swiped mr.chick and the baby bear eraser - he left me one!

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Everything is just lovely and got me out of my creative funk! I've been feeling blah this week and not been very productive. But I'm already thinking of what I can create with this pretty paper. Mahalo again Lauren C.

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Really glad you liked it, speak soon
L x

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Here is a pic of the Happy Gram Monika sent me it took so long to photograph because I started using it and putting bits on straight away! I got a huge bag of beads and shells,soap,sweets, tea and two rings, Thank you x

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And my HappyGram from MauiMami again full of lovely things that have found there way around the house, I am thinking of a use for the photographs x

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That was the first ever Happy Gram I sent (above pic); it was to Lauren C. The first ever one I received was from Lauren C.! Funny coincidence...

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I got a sweet card and some teas from MauiMami. Happy I'll get a picture soon. Thanks for brightening my day, Tanya!

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You're welcome Happy

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My first happygram is all parcelled up ready to get in the post tomorrow Happy

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I got a Happy Gram from Krista B. today Happy I will post pics tomorrow. Thank you so much! Love it all and it made me HAPPY! Mahalo Krista B.

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I have finally got round to posting my first happy gram today so fingers crossed there will be a nice surprise on the doorstep for someone soon!!

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Love it all Happy

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