
46 replies since 3rd June 2008 • Last reply 3rd June 2008

I'm glad everything worked out ok, Kk!

By the way- I was joking about the bus thing. Not that I'm particularly an animal rights activist, but I'm not a hard-hearted bitch either.

I think fur's ok so long as it's vintage. I wouldn't want anything new to die for me, but I think it's only fair to give the animal as long a life as possible, and hiding it in a cupboard does not do that.

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I knew you were joking Happy

I agree with vintage fur because well I don't know why o yes I do cuz they didn't have fake fabrics like nylon and stuff. My nan had a fox stole once :S my mum said she was a bit scared of it lol some websites say veggies can wear second hand leather i well dont get that.

It's so horrible when I have to cut the capsules and swallow the powder eeeeew and my mum got me vitamins when she did a big shop to make up for some i'm not getting and didnt think and got ones in capsules lol we get the chalky things now though

glad its all sorted KK

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Yay, thats cool they sorted you out KK. I am not a veggie, but gelatin grosses me out. I don't usually take capsules of anything, but I will doubly check from now on.

My mam had a fur I thought it was gross. Here they all have them and everday walking to work I have to pass a gross shop that has polar bear heads and all kind of hideous animal products, I think it is stuff from Greenland. ughh

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:'( poor poley bear

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I bought leather shoes yesterday just because it's the best material to make shoes out of. They last ages and they look pretty.

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Well my own personal ethics are, if I eat the animal I can't really say no to wearing it. So I eat cow and pig, so I will wear leather, I don't wear suede, but that's just because I don't really like it.

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Some things are made/killed fairly though, and some things aren't.
Like I'd eat goose and I'd love it, but I'd never eat Foie Gras.

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Oh wow, I never even thought that medication might not be suitable for vegetarians - I'm going to check all the time now. It's good that they did have a vegetarian alternative for you.

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I normally avoid leather because I don't like the smell and the ethics, but at least they only get it when they use the rest of the animal. Fur I'd never wear because it's just so overwhelmingly, disgustingly cruel. But I guess if it's old stuff it's already done.

Near where my sister lives there's a taxidermy place and there's a massive polar bear in the window, it's horrrrrible

Gelatin is in a surprising amount of things - even playing cards!

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I'll admit it. I heart Taxidermy. I just think it's fantastic. I'd only buy second hand though- I'd never get it made to order.

My friend and I have an unnatural obsession with it. She was going to buy me a fox off ebay for my birthday but it went up to £60. I really like all the birds in bell jars.

I'm also planning to take a trip to Oxford to their second hand market in search of a stoat/ermin/weasel stole. You can buy them for about £8 there.

I realise I'm somewhat in the minority here, I just love classy vintage.

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I think it's only fair for everyone to have their own opinion and not be told they can't do something cuz of other people etc etc.

I'd just get freaked out by something taxidermied, I'd think they were really alive and just pretending and would come alive at night and eat all my quorn!!!! LOL I saw a dead baby bird not so long ago and it looked like it was asleep and it was horrible! and :'(

I hate that gelatin is in lots of things all I want is some hariboooo! and then theres the natural flavours and colours issue when they use little beatley things. If it's a jelly like thing look to see if theres no gelatin, you'll usually see pectin instead of gelatin which is fine.

Apparently to get the best quality soft leather the animal has to be young but I don't know what happens and I don't always believe everything I read on vegetarian/vegan websites.

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This might sound really dumb, but I only thought they did taxidermy on animals that were already dead - is that wrong? Like for people who's pets die and want to have them stay around.

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not all the time. like if i wanted a fur coat and there wasnt a dead random bear laying around, theyd go get it!! i think fur is horrible and the inside of it stinks! haha it just grosses me out. and buying shoes is no big deal to me cuz im more of a vans and chucks person anyway, all my shoes are canvas! Happy

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ya, i do believe you are right cat, that is what I always thought, I also thought it was creepy for pet owners to do that to their animal when they had went to doggie or cat heaven. It just give me the chills thinking of it. lol

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Well like when you've got foxes and pheasants and wild animals that don't belong to anyone, they get killed specifically for taxidermy purposes.

Canvas is good for shoes but it's not waterproof, nor particularly hard wearing and you can't wear them to job interviews and things.

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