What's making you mad?

328 replies since 26th March 2007 • Last reply 26th March 2007

hey im sooo flat im 12 and....grrr it makes me made.....grrr

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I would rather be called fat than an anorexic stick. At least when your heavier you have more energy and your tendons in your legs don't feel like they could break. And I'm guessing you have curves something I will never have....Happy

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I actually really happy with my body most days that really surprises me, except I hate that shops are always sold out of my size ergh.

p.s. I love the saying "I'm not fat, I'm curvy"

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my hips were the first thing to develop and everything else took aaaaaaaaaaaaaages. Seriously don't worry Chelsea everyone has bits they hate, other people will be jealous of how thin you sound and again you learn to like yourself Happy

Boots had a campaign and the slogan was 'There are 3 million women who don't have bodies like supermodels, and 8 that do...love your body'

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Chelsea I was called a stick and a rake most of my childhood too. I hated it Happy I developed much later than all my friends. I am glad though, now as an adult when I look back on it. A lot of my friends couldn't wear some of the clothes I could though, as they looked slutty and to mature(when they weren't) so that always made me happy Happy

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Is it wrong that I dream of being called a stick or a rake?
I guess after years of being bullied for a tubbster you start to see things differently.

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It's awful. Because we all know that we shouldn't hate ourselves for being not perfect. And I would never say to a size 16 girl that she's ugly cause she's fat or whatever. But I'm a size 10 and I feel massive. We all KNOW it's wrong and yet it's so hard to snap out of it!

I don't like the phrase "I'm not fat I'm curvy" cause it actually kinda does apply to me! Like I said, I'm a size ten, but I have a curvy figure. But if I say that, people just think you are fat.

I hate the word fat. It's like a swear word

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I love where this conversation has gone. It starts out with a rude comment from a dude and just progresses from there.lol I need someone to beat that boy up for me

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I wouldn't worry about it too much. Guys always say stupid things, they very rarely realise how much offense it will cause.

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I know a guy and he told me and my bf that he was seeing this girl, well he met her online and then met her in person, she was 13 and he was 21!!!! He told her...that she needed to loose weight that her legs were too fat! What a f***er, he showed us pics, she was skinnier than me!! Oh man I wanted to snap his legs off.

You know sometimes I see bigger girls and I am in awe of their apparent confidence and quite jealous, because I know I will never feel that way about myself.

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my ears are my only problem now. DUMBO. people lie and tell me they aren't big and don't stick out. At school it was like 'You have big ears and big front teeth!' 'Yes, I know, believe it or not I have functioning mirrors they don't break when I look in them'

conversation works like that, one thing to another, I only just realised that a while ago! it's fun! I usually make stuff go waaaaaaaaaaay off topic Happy

I reckon I developed exactly 2 years after most of the girls and then went through a funny emotion stage but because of other stuff it all just exploded. And maybe to do with me as a person.

Oh today I went to the dentist, I used to get stickers now i get a bill!

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My best friend was 12!! when she got her periods and started wearing a bra. I was flat as board until around 14 and even then they were tiny nubbins haha Had to practically beg my mam to buy me some kind of bra so I didn't stand out as a baby Happy
I think I had that emotion explosion thing too, around 15.

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yep I was 15 when it aaaaall exploded, it all started at 14 though, I was the same.

People in my class were wearing bras in YEAR 5! and I got picked on because my mum still bought me vests but they were nice and warm and there was nothing to put in a bra!! They were shaving their legs in year 7!

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when is year seven? i started shaving my legs in fifth grade, when i was ten...

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I started shaving when I was eight because I wanted to be like my older cousin, who at the time I looked up to but now shes a druggy. We used to look like twins but now shes all weird.

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