What's making you mad?

328 replies since 26th March 2007 • Last reply 26th March 2007

Are you stalking me or something! It's kinda obvious when your only activitis have been in my profile wishing me the crappiest valentines day ever and in my mittens when you left me a comment saying I was color blind! Leave me alone, I'm not stupid I know who you are

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Okay people... the report/flag button will be coming shortly!

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I can't believe someone actually made an effort to upset someone like that.

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Thanks Cat! I just hope we don't have to use it often!

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I am very mad right at my computer because it deleated a word doc full of craft stuff including photos and how tos from all different sites, although hearing about chelsea tormenting ckarla made me feel a little better,

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dude she was stalking me I can torment her freaky behind as much as I want! I must have done something to make her mad in a past life or something, Grace told me she dug me but I'm going with the first choice

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I think what u said was hilirous u have a right to torment her, imeant your comments were so funny they nade ne feel better Happy

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Right now the insane amount of homework the teachers are giving us. Their trying to prepare us for year 11 & 12 next year but it's insane I can't imagine how bad it's gonna be in year 12 *screams* as soon as we hand something in they give us anouther assement and during those assesments they give us more homework. ergh now I have to go reasearch ultrasounds and the Boer War instead of chatting on here ergh I'm really bugged. >:I

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Yeah I hate the amount of home work they give us (I'm in like all of K@ti's classes)
It's coz the teachers don't talk to one another so when the english teacher gives us an essay to do she doesn't realise we've just been given 4 other assignments in that week.
I told myself I'd do a whole bunch today but haven't done a single bit-I'm obsessed with CO & K
why can't we have a class on that?!

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I'm flat as a board! The only thing that is big is my hair. I dont wanna look like a baby anymore waaaaa....someone was just teasing me about themHappy

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hey it gets worse after high school, work wise, and then you have to get a job!!!! Something that helps me sooo much is writing a list of everything that I need to do and what days to do it on.

Don't worry Chelsea, mine didn't grow properly till I was 17, they're not exactly huge now but you learn to like whats you gots! I'm 19 now and I don't think they're gonna get any bigger but they're all right, would like some actual clevage though, instead of a slight shadow in the right light!!! And I bet you're tall and skinny rather then a fat ball with back ache!

I got a website from a careers adviser guy at college which will help me find a vet nurse apprentiship but now the site won't work, I hope they're just updating it!

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mine wont grow any bigger I have the biggest in our family...and I'm bearly outa training bras.

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well then say 'yes I have small boobs, you seem to like them you keep looking at them!!!'

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I could so take that the wrong way but I wont...This dude just laughed hysterically at them, I hate sophmore boys there soooo stupid. He asked me if I still shop in the little girls section! RUDE!!!

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I hate my boobs! I think that's a common thing to hate. And if something is obvious to you it probably isn't as obvious to anybody else. Whenever I look at mine all I can see is one is bigger than the other but my boyfriend claims it's not noticeable at all.

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