I have four kids....2 girls and two boys! Three of which have left home (if thats whats you want 2 call it!) I live at home with my youngest son Aaron who suffers from Aspergers Syndrome ( a form of autism) I do all kinds of stuff! Which has kept me from having a breakdown or some form of depression I think!
I love my garden...recycling and messing about with just about anything! I have even built my own computer!
We have three cats (Becks, Gimpy and Nesbit!) and a dog called Muppet who lives up 2 her name!But is she really a Muppet?Best place on the sofa/chair taken 4 walks and gets let in from the garden when she barks!And when it rains the back door is left open for her to come back in when she's finished in the garden?
I of course live in the UK! but my dad was Russian!
I also edit and print a newsheet for the local OAPs!I also teach the oldies how 2 use the web!(And how 2 txt and take piccie with their phones although I'm not suppose2) In fact I do anything I can! And the cheaper the better!
I love my garden...recycling and messing about with just about anything! I have even built my own computer!
We have three cats (Becks, Gimpy and Nesbit!) and a dog called Muppet who lives up 2 her name!But is she really a Muppet?Best place on the sofa/chair taken 4 walks and gets let in from the garden when she barks!And when it rains the back door is left open for her to come back in when she's finished in the garden?
I of course live in the UK! but my dad was Russian!
I also edit and print a newsheet for the local OAPs!I also teach the oldies how 2 use the web!(And how 2 txt and take piccie with their phones although I'm not suppose2) In fact I do anything I can! And the cheaper the better!
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- followed mmsilva1956 13 Aug 14:06
- commented on their comment Yes I have used nail polish 2....coloured works well!But u may need loads of coats. to Paper Bead Obbssesion......Addiction 20 Feb 18:58
- followed ihsana z. 06 Dec 12:44
- followed JennBunny 28 Nov 21:09
- commented on their comment My first ones were CRAP!I have made loads now and they help me chill out!But the more I made the better they became....everytime I made them I tried something different as can see with the ones I covered in resin!They were poo and stuck to everything t... to Paper Bead Obbssesion......Addiction 26 Nov 17:10
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- entered their project Super Square Knitted / Recycled Clothes to Paradise Fibers Knitting Contest 07 Jul 20:52
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If you still want How to , you can see on my blog.
However I 'm only a beginner who try to weave if you have some advice or the right tutorial from the expert please sharing. (I searched the net but none )
n i really like all ur projects
they'r awesome!
Thank you for your comment regarding my two woven road map bowls. It is an old Scandinavian basket weawing techninque that I was taught back in school 100 years ago
Take care Birgitte
I made the pattern by myself; so I could make a how-to. But...have you taken a look at my first how-to for crocheting?
I think my explaining skills aren´t that brilliant and it´s even more difficult in english -_-"
But I can try it ^-^d