Granny Square Swap

30 replies since 27th August 2012 • Last reply 27th August 2012

Received mine from Pam today.
Gorgeous colours and just lovely!

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Yey! Hopefully that means everyone else has got theirs too Happy

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My two from Pam have got here too! They're grrrreat! (As Tony the Tiger says!) Really bright, I have a better idea of want size to make mine now.

Quick up date on me, I move house next Monday, then I'm off work for two weeks on holiday, so I'm hoping to be ready to send out by Monday 15th Oct. I'm gonna be at my parents for some of that time, so I'm hoping I can pinch some more colours of yarn from my mum (who also Crochets). x

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I got mine from Pam last week and I sent all mine out!

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I got some granny squares in the mail from Natisha which I'm guessing it Tish Happy And super pretty and I love the colors too.

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Have received mine from TNTish too!
Can't wait til they're all in so I can decide what to do with them!

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I got mine in the mail from Julie on Saturday Happy They are super adorable! I love the light blue yarn and how small the rows are. Too cute.

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Guess what... I got another pair of squares today. This time from Brandi, And they are very cool ^_^
The yellow and white one has and iridescent thread woven into the white yarn and it looks very cool! The yellow and grey one is an awesome color combo too.

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She sent me nail polish too! Its a translucent milky white base with tiny iridescent glitter in it!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I Die! I love glitter nail polish! Especially light colored ones <3 <3 I actually just bought some amazing nail polish a few weeks ago and have been wearing it non stop, I'm so excited to change it now.

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I've had a another set of 2 from America. My work colleague brought them over when we were moving my bookcase from my old house to my new one and I put it down and forgot to open it! I'm sorry!I don't even know who its from! I'll open it when I get home (in about 2 weeks time).

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Just so everyone knows: I'M SENDING OUT TODAY!!!!!!!!!!! I have also recieved Tish's and Pam's squares but haven't had any from anyone else at the moment. I'm settled into my new house, so message me if you want the new address.

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Received my final ones from Libby! (Great minds think alike when it comes to the repeating pattern!)
3 down the left are from Pam, then top to bottom - libby, tish and brandi
Thanks to you all for participating.

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So to recap
I've received all (and mine to Libby are {finally} on their way)
Pam has received from : me, tish and brandi
Libby has received from : tish and Pam
Brandi has received from : Pam
That's all the info from the board, can everyone update so I know where we all stand and can officially end the swap.

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Yup, the only ones I am waiting for are from Libby Happy

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I got my last pair today from Libby Happy I love the colors, they are very cute, and I got a cool post card form her hometown. So I'm all finished up. I really liked this swap and we should do it again sometime!

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