Gift for 18th birthday

I got a problem: I'm having trouble finding the right gift for a friend of mine (girl) for her birthday. I already made her an owl keychain, but that's just a small extra.
I don't wanna go out and just buy a voucher or a book. I'd like to give her a something more personal, maybe even something I can make myself.

The gift can really be anything, she's very open-minded.

I hope you can help me Happy

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3 replies since 9th November 2011 • Last reply 9th November 2011

If she likes owls, make her an owl plushie.

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I made these bath salts for Christmas one year and they were a huge hit. I packaged the salts in glass jars (from dollar tree) decorated with ribbon and pretty paper and included some other bath goodies.
Don't be intimidated by the ingredients it's basically just baking soda,Epsom salts, and olive or baby oil. Also the essential oils will last you a long time, I just ran out of a bottle I got a year ago and I used it frequently.

Here is an easy tutorial for bath bombs as well!

This is also a very easy project with a wow factor. If she doesn't like headbands you can glue the flower on clips, bobby pins, or barrets.

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Thanks for you replies Happy I ended up giving her the keychain, a bottle of nailpolish, and a self-made bathbomb in a wooden cigar box I decoupaged with catwoman comicstrips.

Thanks for the suggestions, though, they will be useful for christmas!

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