Would You Buy these?


Would you buy these or some similar in different lenghts and colors?
I am thinking of selling them online.
I used to sell them in school but that stopped after everyone that wanted got theirs.

If I were to sell them, I would sell some pre-mades and accept custom requests for a little higher price.
What would be a good price to sell them for?

Please help! THANKS ;

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7 replies since 2nd February 2009 • Last reply 2nd February 2009

well, personally I'd make my own!

I've seen a few similar ones in jewellery shops so if I were you I'd make them using interesting/vintage buttons and add on other embellishments, like beads, soda tabs and such.

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I definitely think that they would sell on a site like etsy.com or dawanda.com!

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in a heartbeat!

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Well like Shivi there I would probably make my own aswell Tongue
However that doesn't mean that they won't sell. Your asking people on a craft site, so most of them probably would make their own hehehe Tongue

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their cute but not my style

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They would totally sell! They are really cute ^.^

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Yes deff would if i didnt already know how to make them lol. But there are plenty of people who dont. So go for it

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