Kittens keep Multiplying

So, out cat had her first kittens last Saturday...I was so excited! I counted 3 kittens last Saturday...and I figured that we could give 3 away to good homes easy enough. On Thursday I went up to look at them, and there were 4 kittens. But this morning I went in to check on them...and I counted 5! Either they're multiplying everytime I leave the room, or I really need to learn how to count. Tongue

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3 replies since 12th April 2008 • Last reply 12th April 2008

Wow, I love kittens! I know in America it can be a problem to get good homes for kittens, which is sad because over here it's quite hard to find a kitten to adopt!

I wish you loads of luck with them though Happy

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aaaw I wish I wasn't allergic! I'm so happy you're taking care of them till you find a home for them.

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Oh, I wish i could send you a kitten, I can't imagine it being hard to find a cat for a pet, it seems like there are always listings in the paper and in every store window here.

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