Stop and Think

So I'm sure everyone knows that recently NY State has legalized gay/lesbian marriages....( I live in Upstate NY ) I couldnt have been happier and more proud of my state for passing the law and continuing to show America's wonderful sense of freedoms.
Then came the stories about the handful of people who's " religious " beliefs caused them to not accept the fact that NY State had basically said it was ok for homosexuals to get married. The marriage clerk who resigned because she refused to marry gay couples, the people protesting and holding up signs that homosexuals are evil and G-d will damn them to hell because they have nothing more significant to do...Well...todays news was the last straw for me. A preacher ( African American ) evangelists something or another, gathered with 24 protesters demanding NY revoke the new law and let the people vote on whether or not it should be legal.( which by the way, I believe hetero sexuals are out numbered here) Being that I am a former USMC, I am all for our freedom of speech. I just wish people would speak after consulting their common sense. The news camera zoomed in and interviewed a older couple of the church. They began saying how awful it was, and against what god wants and blah blah blah. The couple was bi-racial. The male was black, and the female was caucasian. I started screaming at the television, and my kids must of thought I was a total psycho!!! Here was my issue....Up until about 1970 something, maybe even later, it was illegal for a black man to marry a white woman...And although it is legal today, it is still met with community opposition. Did this couple not realize that they were a walking talking contradiction? Did the African American male forget that at one point slavery was legal? Did the Woman forget that at one point women were not allowed to vote, think, speak etc? My point is, you may not like the way the world changes, but if it has changed for your benefit at one point or another, think about how you would feel if a bunch of idiots got together and demanded your right to have rights be " voted on "..... There are millions of other issues that people should be more concerned how rapists and child molesters get 1/4 the time in jail then a person caught with illegal substances do...or how thanks to Republicans free birth control and women and children based services are being shut our schools are being attacked and how our children will be effected when they are elderly and there is no medicaid...I could go on forever. How people really believe that two humans of the same sex being in love and getting married will destroy our world is beyond me. ( And like my dear friend says: " Three words to solve our nations debt: GAY MARRIAGE REGISTERY" LOL!!!

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6 replies since 25th July 2011 • Last reply 25th July 2011

*clapping* You said it right! I'm behind you 100%. Fighting gay marriage is such a stupid waste of time. Lets just let people love who they want and live freely.

USA: "Land of the free" but only if you're a straight white man.

I'm Canadian so gay marriage is legal here and watching the news about all the controversy around gay marriage in the US is rediculous to me! It gives me the impression that the US isn't as far along as they put on. There are many problems that the US should tackle and who marries who is not one of them! I know there are many people like you in the US that believe in gay marriage but I have to say those idiots holding the signs that read "God hates gay people and that's why your son is dead." at a gay soldier's funeral gives everyone a bad rep because those are the idiots that get on the news.

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Ugh, this topic fills me with fury.
To make my opinion short,
Love is Love.
Its to hard to find true love to start with, why worry about gender.

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I completely agree with you. I think that there is absolutely nothing wrong with same sex marriage and that people shouldn't make such a big issue out of it if they don't agree with it. Just because it's legal doesn't mean they have to do it, so it shouldn't concern them. Love doesn't have a gender and it's unfair to discriminate against people based on their gender and the gender of their partner.

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I'm all for gay/lesbian marriages. Why? Because gay and lesbian couples raise their kids with as much if not more love than straight couples. So what if a kid has two moms, it doesn't matter if he's being raised properly. A parent is a parent. A mom is a mom, a dad is a dad.

I'm just going to blame fat, white, old, balding men (aka the republican party) for this BS.

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Marisa your friend's saying made me think of this lol:

But yeah, completely agree with all of you. Another saying I like: "Personally, I am very excited about “gay marriage”, or as I like to call it, “marriage”. Because I had lunch this afternoon, I didn’t have “gay lunch”. And I parked my car, I didn’t “gay park” it." - liz feldman

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Thanks everyone for letting me know I am not the only person in this world who thinks love is love, and that no matter what your sexual preference is you are a person who deserves rights and respect....I wish people would just STOP and instead of fearing the unknown, shake its hand, buy it a drink and LEARN that its not as scary as they think...

@Natasha: that is probably the best musical I have ever seen!!!! Thanks for that!

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