Canada Post

Ughhh. When are they getting back to work? I was in a union for 10 years. I get it. I want workers to be treated and paid fairly for the work that they do. Service in my province (NB) is slow to begin with.It has taken 10 days to get a letter to Ontario. That is crazy.

When they get back to work...will I get a better travel time on my letters and packages? Will they be polite and helpful behind the counter?

Ok I am just grumbling, because I have two swaps stuck somewhere in the mail and can't send my Dad a B-Day present.

That's the end of my rant. LOL. I don't feel any better.

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6 replies since 20th June 2011 • Last reply 20th June 2011

Ugh! I'm an American who buys a lot online- most of what I buy, I buy online. I once made the mistake of buying from Canada and had to wait over a month for it to get through Canadian customs! It took only a week to ship from the UK but over a month from Canada was ridiculous! I refuse to ever get anything from Canada again after that.

I'm sorry that you're postal service is now on strike making what was already a bad postal system even worse. I wouldn't hold my breath that their customer service or travel time will improve once the strike is over.

Maybe Canadian’s should go on strike against the postal service demanding that they have better quality service and faster delivery.

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PinkWeeds, I am from the USA and miss the USPS and UPS so much. It was wonderful. It makes me so sad that you won't buy from Canada...because I know so many other people who won't buy from us because of the postal system. I had to quit ebaying, because the time/service was so poor. I have tons of stuff to sell. I have it hanging around here, because I don't want to deal with the smaller local post offices.

I wonder why Canadian customs looks at packages going out of Canada?? Don't they have enough to do opening the packages of snacks, my brother sends me?

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I agree, our postal service sucks!!! My mailman keeps mixing up our mail with other people. Maybe they should do their job properly before sticking their hands out for more money lol.

Corvus- try kijiji, it's like ebay but free and local!

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10 days? Wow. I think Alberta to Quebec only took a week when I sent a few years ago.

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@ Kitty, I like Kijiji for buying stuff. I am about 45 min away from our nearest Kijiji city and 1.15 min from the next. So it is hard to sell. I hate meeting people or driving all the way to them to sell something and then they aren't home or don't show up at Tim's cause " they got busy and will try to meet me next week" UGH!

@ Lacey, I have always suspected that some of my frustration comes directly from "New Brunswick Slug Post" and not all of Canada Post. When I lived in Texas, people used to say that the mail was strapped to armadillos and sent north. I couldn't think of anything slower...till I came to NB.

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Hehehe Corvus, don't worry, I wouldn't swear that it's Canadian posts delaying your swap to me - it could easily be Italian posts! They are terribly slow and sometimes stuff travelling within Italy gets lost. It's weird, because they're quite quick in sending stuff abroad, but when it's a matter of receiving things from abroad, it's living hell. I stopped ordering from and order from instead, because it takes so much less time when stuff is bought inside the EU. And when something gets stuck in customs it's the end - even if its value is 0.01 euros (there is 0.00 value for customs) they'll charge you an 11 euros fixed tax just to clear it, whatever it is! A few months ago Pammerz sent me an happygram, saying it contained "seashells". They stopped it and asked me to pay because they thought I was importing fossils! I laugh about it now, but when I think how many claims I submitted to my general post office, I want to cry.

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