ARG! Stupid Gangs!

ARG! In my town we are dealing with a serious "gang" issues. Its not that these people are really scary but they attack the weak with weapons. But they beat up a friend of my to the point she is now hospitalized due to bad Bear Mase being sprayed in her face and all her nerves are frying! But she's in a Wheelchair to being with! The only reason the stupid wimps attacked her was because she told them to stop attack her boyfriend truck (they were keying it!). But i keep hearing more stories, of them stealing autographed sweatshirts off of peoples backs after attacking them with knifes and things when these people are by themselves gang them up with 10 or more people!! I am sooo angry that anyone would be soo stupid and selfless, and than act tough because they prey on the weak who couldn't defend themselves in the first place by attacking them with weapons.

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12 replies since 3rd March 2008 • Last reply 3rd March 2008

The same kind of thing is happening here too. People have been killed by gangs of drunken yobs. Most recently, a man went out to make these kids go away from his wife's car and he was kicked to death.

My friend concluded that there's no point in being scared of groups of 'chavs' because every time he's gone past some nothing has happened. I agree with him but I wear my heart on my sleve and i know I probably look intimidated and I do get a bit scared if I'm walking some where on my own espeically to the local shop were they hang about outside it sometimes.

I haven't heard of these groups killing people so locally, but they do get really off their faces on the streets, these people tend to have a lot of pent up anger and drink the types of alcohol that bring that anger out. A few years ago there would be kids in the bus stop near my house making a lot of noise and trying to trash it cuz they were drunk.

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We don't really have that over here in Iceland. There is not too much random crime, there is a wave of stupid graphitti at the momenth and I think in a few years there will be more crime.

In Ireland though it is horrible. Just there last week, two Polish men in their 20's were stabbed to death with screwdrivers! By teens. There is a rumour that the teens asked the men to buy them drink, but they said no and voila, you die. I think partly it was because they were foreign, stupid kids.

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There are loads of Polish people here now, its cool though, I like feeling multicultural! Theres even a Polish supermarket near town!

A man was killed a few years ago locally and I think that was because he didn't have a light or something! There have been a lot of stabbings recently.

It keeps feeling like the world is closing in on itself, there's always crime and trouble and poverty but it's like the worlds going backwards and all that will be left is idiots, but if global warming kicks in and all there is is idiots then blah!

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It's all really horrible =( but then as a sixteen year old, I hate this massive "It's all kids" mentality. Anyone under the age of twenty seems to have been grouped together as a threat and it's nasty because actually, us teenagers that don't start fights probably get it worse than adults.

I don't know what to say, they're pathetic, but it's not like you can just forget about it.

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Well I'm under 20 and I've never felt that I've been deemed as dangerous. People are only intimidated by these groups of kids in trackies outside shops really, which is grouping them but these are the kids that really do get drunk on street corners and vandalise everything because they're bored and some of these kids arent even kids they're up to 25.

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But like on the bus the other day, these kids behind me and my friend were throwing stuff at some old people, and the people kept turning round and glaring at us like we were the ones doing it, just because we're in roughly the same age group.

Well and people are forgetting, it's not just teenagers who beat people up, it's plenty of adults too.

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fargo doesnt have gangs lol we're too country

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Ya know what I hate about todays youth (LOL) it's more the technology, bloody music being played on mobile phones on the backs of buses. The same crap song over and over, or they can't listen to one song for more than 5 seconds and go through every song on their phone! It's not big and it's not clever!!! There was someone on the back of a bus the other day who kept like banging on the floor and stuff, he didn't have like anything wrong with him ( i know that sounds awful to think that, especially since people with disabilities get on the same bus and act like normal people, since they are really) he was just an idiot.

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Naah what's worse is when people walk round with portable speakers held in their hands, blasting out their music at full volume. Just plain sad.

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Yeh they invented headphones so people could carry music about in their pockets instead of carrying a boom box about!

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My boyf and I went on a trip outside the city last summer to a festival in the next town, so the bus was full of young people. The couple opposite us on the bus took out their mobile and started playing songs on it, I couldn't believe it! I was like eh.. I don't want to hear your shitty tinny dance music, thanks. I had never seen that before, what's wrong with sharing an ear of your headphones for fecks sake!! grr

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I find it incredibly rude, kids have soooo much energy even at 5 to 8 in the morning, i never had that much energy in school and i have less energy and patience after a day at college than I ever did so I always feel like turning round like 'what the fuck is your problem!!!' but then they'd probably kick off! I always get worried that people can hear my headphones, although I have to admit that that's partly due to paranoia of being judged by the music I'm listening to from previous experience.

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