Pets at home gave me the wrong gender hamster :(

everyone thinks pets at home are the best pet store around well i'm sick of them sexing animals wrongly I was told I was getting a female 3 months later i decided to do a re-sex only to find she was actually a He IM REALLY ANNOYED ! what do you think if you've ever shopped there !

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8 replies since 2nd July 2010 • Last reply 2nd July 2010

My friend had a gerbil which was a boy according to Pets at home... A few weeks later the gerbil had babies!

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There are several reasons I don't shop for pets at a "pet store." Thanks for giving me another reason to add to the list. ;)

Try adopting, though it might be harder for hamsters. Adopting a pet instead of buying it is more ethical, less expensive, and so rewarding on a variety of levels.

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I second the don't buy pets at pet stores advice...

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well i get them from a young age because there much more trusting then, i find with hamsters adopted russian hamsters often become , bitter and tempremental and bite alot odly from babies you can kind of tame them out of bad habbits but i must admit i found a new pet store that is excellent at sexing them and when i did my work experience there they re-sexed them weekly to insure this was definate Happy but i will try for adopting them in the near future thanks for the advice

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There is a breed of hamster called a Chinese hamster which looks much like a Russian hamster. They are aggressive, bite and don't like being handled but are often sold as the much gentler Russian hamster, this is probably what's been going on.
Pets at Home are appalling. I have to buy my stuff for my rabbits there as there is no alternative where I leave, but I wouldn't buy an animal there. I was in there once looking at the bunnies and overheard a sales assistant talking to a woman who was buying a rabbit. The woman said the rabbit would live in a pet carrier (the kind you take them to the vet in) and she'd let it out in the evenings and the sales assistant said that was fine!! I told her it bloody wasn't fine at all and was against RSPCA standards.

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I mean i know for certain my last hamster was a russian dwarf but was an agressive male who was put up for adoption and sucsessfully adopted my latest hamster is a male but has a fantastic temperment but i wont be buying from pets at home again i found a little pet stall at my local market with marvelously well kept animals. so Ive learned my lesson.

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i just got a girl gerbil from pets at home and a boy gerbil from a smaller pet shop~(they live in differant cages) the man at pets at home told me that she was very bitey and that she was really adventurous so we bought a cage with loads of tubes that cost LOADS but i havent got a single bite from her and she doesnt go even half way up the smallest tube thanks for wasting my money pets at home

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OMG. my hampster story is sad..... They was a boy and one was fixed and one wasn't..... I can't have them ever again. Is yours still alive? Or do you still have it?

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