
My friend and I are in a fight. She says I have to change when she is the one who has to 'change'. And why do I have to change? I'm always the one who is apologizing when it's always her fault. She's so stubborn and weird. She says I make fun of her and make comments about her clothes and hair when she's the one always hurting me with her hitting and words. And never saying sorry. Gosh there's so much more but I don't think anyone's gonna read this. Sorry about this weird rant. Haha =] It snowed like 8 inches last night!!

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2 replies since 20th December 2009 • Last reply 20th December 2009

Maybe its not worth trying to get her back. dont let her win by you apoligizing to her. shes not really a friend if she is hurting you: friends are always there for eachother, no matter what. let her go and you might feel better Happy

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I had this problem with one of my friends before (her never apologizing first). She got jealous a lot and didn't like me hanging around with anyone but her and so i always ended up apologizing to her first because she was a good friend when she wasn't acting jealous. In the end i just told her the truth and said that if you don't like me hanging around with other people then i'm going to have to choose all of my other friends over you. And in the end she did change and apologize for what she had said in th past. So what i'm trying to say is to be honest with her. And if she's a really good friend she will say sorry and either change or stop insulting you. But if she does apologize i think it's best to apologize back :L But if that doesn't work then there is no point in having a friend that you argue with all the time and that makes you feel bad Happy Hope this helps :L And Merry Christmas Happy

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