Quit smoking

17 replies since 25th November 2009 • Last reply 25th November 2009

I'm 14, and start smoking probably in early July.
In late October, I quit.

I liked running, and when I smoked, I couldn't do my best.

I just said "no, thanks. Not today." when my friends would offer me a smoke.
If I didn't have one daily at school, I would get a nasty headache after lunch.

It is an addiction, and it's hard to quit, but I've done it.

Sometimes I do still get a craving for a smoke when I smell it, but I remind myself that my health is more important than a little cancer stick.

If you want to quit, do something that you like instead of smoking.
Yes, gum does work. Or biting on the tips of pens got me through it too.. lol.

Hope you quit! :]

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thats right, call it a cancer stick, the longer you use them, the bigger your chance of getting cancer

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good job!!!!! :-D oh, i am so proud of you--we all are. Happy

also, congrats for hubby saying he will do it too! personally, that alone would keep me quitting. ;)

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