Universal Healthcare is NOT Communism!!!
I was listening to my radio today when all of a sudden I hear Rush Limbaugh yelling about how the Universal Healthcare system is basically the same as the Nazi's and Hitler, and that the Obama Healthcare system logo is almost the exact same as the Swastika....The he goes on yelling about communism and healthcare and how Obama is Hitler...
a) Communism and Nazism are two different things you dumb shit!
b) How the hell are Obama and Hitler even comparable?? One was a dictator who committed warcrimes, the other is a president who was voted in and as of yet hasnt murdered millions of people. And to make such a sensationalist comment is to completely disregard how horrible the holocaust was and how brutual any mass genocide is.
c) As a Canadian I am very proud of our universal healthcare system. Without it, I wouldnt be able to get my shoulder surgery, I wouldnt be able to go to a doctor, I wouldnt be able to get prescriptions, so on and so forth.
d)He compares the obama health logo to the nazi logo...wow, they both have birds and a circle... then that means Rush Limbaugh must be the same as my grandfather...I mean they are both older, pot bellied and balding...
e)Apparently universal healthcare is there to control everything about us...clearly that has worked so well in ALL the countries with universal healthcare.
f)Also, apparently Canada is killing people because we dont cover ALL services.. umm..thats what insurance is for... We have BOTH, you dont take one or the other, you get BOTH...
g)I understand he doesnt speak for everyone in the US...but he speaks for someone, and that is scary. People are turned away from hospitals in the states because they cant pay, and that apparently is capitalism... Whereas people receiving healthcare for "free" (its paid for in your taxes...) is communism?? No, if I recieved a house, a job, could never move upwards in the heirarchy, if I didnt have a right of inheritance..etc etc, that is communism. The manifesto of communism doesn't even speak about universal healthcare... How can Rush even rant about something he clearly has no education on, and has done no research on?? And yet, people listen to him.
i) I know my healthcare system isnt perfect, and that it needs some changes (hell, what system doesnt?), but at least I can access my healthcare system.
I just cant fathom how someone this biased and ignorant can be that famous... I cant even rant about it anymore..it just boggles my mind.
I am canadian too, and our system is the best, if I didn't live in Canada I don't think my parents would of been able to afford my care, or my mom's care. My mom has Lupis and her treatments are costly, but the gov covers half. Which I am glad for.
at lease canadians are able to acess care. I hope it changes in the states
I tend not to listen to him for that simple fact of all which you spoke about. Rush Limbaugh has made other controversal remarks about such things that has gotten people in an uproar. He has no political status, so he's just a radio host with a blow hole. I think he speaks about stuff in such a way just to get ratings or something, and I certainly hope that not "too" many people take him seriously or agree with anything he says.
I hope so
Just kidding, you guys.
And yeah, Rush Limbaugh just says that stuff to get ratings...I don't know anyone who actually agrees with him.
I don't think so Courtney, but I'm sure there are people out there that probably do. I think most listen to him just to hear him bitch for entertainment.
oh people agree with him i had a teacher last year who yhought universal health care wasa bad bad idea but heres the thing when you can afford it it seems bad but i can't and the thought that if someone i love got sick i have no real way of helping them scares the shit out of me.but with obama's plan my niece will be able to get the rest of her teeth pulled and my dad might be able to go see a doctor for the first time since he had his tumers removed 5 years ago
yeah, in canada, we don't pay to see a GP. Our Gov health plan covers it, there is also a low income health insurance plan you can apply for to cover the cost of meds and treatments. There are also community free clinics for womens health and sexual health.
There is a lot of resistance to a universal health care, but a two tier system can be really really effective. (access to both public and private).
People do listen to Rush, and I know most dont...but for him to have an audience someone has to listen. Even if people are listening to him just for entertainment, you never know how much people actually may be listening to him.
I was just shocked that he compared Obama to Hitler and universal healthcare to the Nazis...its beyond a tad bit ridiculous.
Interstellar I really hope your family will be able to have access to healthcare Its a terrible thing when you cant. A friend of mine's fiance didnt realize that Canadians had access to universal healthcare, so while he was up here he broke his arm and set it himself
.....then found out we had healthcare and got his arm set two weeks later. He also gave himself stitches while in the US cuz he couldnt afford to go to a doctor...which for me is insane! I couldnt believe it when he told me.
You do have to pay to see a GP if you dont have your health card, I had to cuz mine was in another province. But, it was $60 and when I brought in my health card the next week I got my money refunded. I honestly think we need to have universal dental care too though...I havent been able to go to a dentist in two years (and today I found a cavity..so I need to go).
he compared Obama to Hitler and universal healthcare to the Nazis...its beyond a tad bit ridiculous. I agree, its nuts
I honestly think we need to have universal dental care too though....I agree. I have extra wisdom teeth that are killing me.
completely agree jess, don't even know who the guy is though!
having free healthcare over here is a big weight off my mind after watching american hospital programmes it made me realise how lucky we are, even if our hospitals are shit and we still have to pay for prescriptions, it is much easier. Dental care isn't free even if it a NHS surgery but you can get if free for being a single parent, on benefits etc. Being part of the EU means we can get treatment in EU countries as soon as we need it (as long as we have a healthcare card, comes out of insurance though so isn't free but you get it when you need it in a foreign country)
I don't like it when people go around labelling things like that, its often quite extreme, it works or it doesn't, you like it or you don't end of.
Morrissey once compared the consumption of meat to the holocaust, I'm a vegetarian but killing cows, sheep, pigs, chickens etc is no where near as bad as killing 6 million jews ffs! It's not even close to being as bad. The whole of Hitlers reign was a disgusting and tragic era in time and farming is not the same as genocide!
We have really good healthcare actually, which is nice cuz we're middle class but my dad makes a fair amount of money so we can afford it...I kinda take it for granted that when I get sick I just go to a doctor, because a lot of people here can't :/
It seems kind of ironic that all of the American people I've heard on the news or read about in the papers who are saying that the NHS is shit and that there are people who have had medical problems and lived under the current US system who would've died if they were under the UK NHS system are the people who are probably so rich that they can afford any medical help they may need without having to think twice about whether they can afford it or not. And it made me laugh when someone said Stephen Hawking would've died if he had had to have treatment from the NHS rather than in the US, but then Stephen Hawking himself said "Well actually, I've been treated by the NHS for 40 years and I'm still very much alive".
I heard about those ridiculous things that have been said about universal health care on the news, and still don't get it at all.
I mean, how the hell can those people themselves believe what they say? Most likely they do not.
For years I've been wondering why the oh-so-awesome usa don't have anything like that already, and leave so many people without help in case they get sick.. I mean you have to buy (!!!) your health.
The status quo is plain unfair, and now that it might be changed, those who are privileged start making trouble.
Kinda childish, especially considering how weird their statements are.
I'm american and I hope for better health care. It's gone WAY DOWN HILL in the past year.
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