
26 replies since 12th December 2008 • Last reply 12th December 2008

Is prostitution legal in Canada?! Or is this just the girl at work =P

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No its illegal.... sorta.... their are loop holes in the law people get through. But its just the girl at work. but being slutty like that is illegal in egypt.

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move to egypt

im sorry jas and Knittin' being sick and having to deal with sluts is no fun :

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I want to move to Amsterdam. I think I'd feel better then. Or Prague.

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I want to move to NYC. SO BAD.

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oh I second moving to Prague, I'd still get the cold snowy winters like here, but cheaper drink! haha

On topic!! Hope you guys feel better soon. I have skipped all sickness in the last year and half, even though Stephen has had flues and colds!

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I have a fever and I want to move to Milder BC. I long for the tall redwood forests

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i live in bc, and saddly they are trying to cut down all the trees, including the red woods :'(

Well, im off to my third day of five, and i feel like i havent had a day off. I still feel like crap, and now i have my womanly monthly. Seriously,.... why me?? I do NOT need these cramps when i have to work just me and another girl for fricken 9 hours today. other than the bakers, but they dont do much costumer service stuff....

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I slept through my alarm this morning and desperately didn't want to come in, but then I felt too guilty because I only have three days this week off college so I suppose I may as well just do it even though this headache is killing me. Tonight I have to write at least two essays in order to catch up, bake cookies and cupcakes, and finish badges for three people at college. All the rest of my stuff I can leave till Wednesday evening or Thursday, but then I'm staying at Tim's for two nights so have to make sure I have everything.

On the plus side! I got a huge book on burlesque models for Christmas. Yay!

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I feel your pain jas.

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ok, this sucks! i went to wokr, and our pipes where frozen soild, and the heater was broke.

DAMN! -30 C weather (without wind chill") and the heat at work broke. Im like, ready to kill the might powers of this world.

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that sucks

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