Crafts and More Crafts

Hi All I am in UK and love all things crafty!, card making is my passion but I just got into mixed media. I like to decorate candles for Christmas I have just completed one which I will give to my grandaughter.I have a blog but it's been sadly neglected as I have been super busy with my grandchildren.
I love to look through all the projects on here and hope to add some myself soon.
The card in the pic below is one I made I while back.

Medium baby b feb
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3 replies since 8th November 2016 • Last reply 13th November 2016

Awwwww. That is really cute!

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Hi Jules and welcome! We are glad you have joined Cut Out + Keep. Your card is adorable! I understand your neglected blog. Mine is, too. It's something I need to get to work on after the holidays. Be sure to take a look around Cut Out and join in on the conversations. I try to post a new one often. Happy

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Thanks so much ladies!Wink x

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