
I won't get mine until tomorrow because I hate results day and I don't go in, so they're posted to me instead.

For those of you who have got them- what's the news?

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13 replies since 14th August 2008 • Last reply 14th August 2008

I got As in media and English lit, a B in drama and a C in psychology, which I'm very happy with!

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I'm so grateful that I don't have to deal with this stuff anymore. Congrats Kitten and good luck with yours Roma.

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Results days were kinda fun, last year when we got our A Levels we all went to the pub and I went home tipsy and it was only like 12pm lol buses are fun when you're drunk. I didn't do very well at all I completely failed Music (conspiricy!) and then got a C in Art and a D in English!

WELL DONE KITTEN! Good luck Roma, I know you'll do well!!!

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good work guys! I have my exams next term, I'd better start studying!

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Mine haven't arrived but other post has Sad

cry cry cry.

update: they've arrived at home. only, only my cleaner is at home, and she can't make sense of them. so my cleaner got the woman next door to fax them to my mother, and neither the woman next door nor my mother could make sense of them either, so the woman next door is going to deliver them to my mother at work, who will scan them and send them to me.

i am no longer crying, i'm just giggling madly. and listening to leonard cohen.

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omg. A in Textiles, B in Art History and a B in English.

what on eaaaaarth?

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Well done Roma! That's brilliant!

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WEEEEEE well done Roma!


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Well done you KK and Roma Happy

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Results... I've never heard them called that before. I like it much better than "report cards". Results sounds much more... idk... like a doctor or something.

ANYWAY, CONGRATS TO ALL, and roma... thats so weird, I was just chatting with a guy who introduced me to the music stylings of Leonard cohan a few hours ago, and I look on here... AND I SEE HIS NAME! lol

Thats been happening a lot lately! Happy

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I prefer results. It sounds know, no matter what you get, it is a result. Report card sounds like they're reporting on you, and gives me bad feelings. But maybe that's just cause I've always known it as results

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It really doesn't sound right , first of all it's on paper and it's not to see how well you're doing it's to see how well you've *done* the final thing!

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I've always just had grades and final grades, then report cards at the end, and for all the ACTs and SATs and APs: results.

I'm glad I don't have to take any tests any more if I don't want to. I do help people study for them! That's fun.

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