Do you have any projects lined up for the new year?

Once everyone gets past the holidays, what is on your "to do" or "want to do" list for projects?

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5 replies since 22nd November 2016 • Last reply 2nd December 2016

I am big into Kumihimo and was talking to my son yesterday about the flags he's received from a video game series that he likes. Currently he has them hanging from clothespins on hangers. I mentioned to him it would be cool for me to make some braids for them and then hang them using a wreath hanger. He loved the idea so I've now put that as one of the first things I want to create after the holidays.

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I had never heard of Kumihimo. I had to look it up. That is pretty cool. Where did you learn it?

I'm looking to dig out my sewing machine and find a place to use it to make some shirts. First time sewing with knits so that should be some interesting cussing. Also, first time with my sewing machine since 2011 or 2010. Wow. I haven't even unpacked it yet. I'm looking forward to it.

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I've taught myself Kumihimo. Every craft type I've ever done I'm self taught at because we don't really have places in my area that teach any sort of crafts.

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@peg-r Yeah, I'm self taught in all my crafts, too. I probably could take a class but where's the fun in that? Haha.

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The time between Christmas and New Year is one of the rare points in the year where I generally have a bit of time to myself. I like to use it to do some dressmaking, I've got a lovely pinafore pattern and some cherry print needlecord waiting for me!

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