What is the proudest moment that you can remember?

18 replies since 30th September 2013 • Last reply 30th September 2013

I think feeling proud for others is just as important as feeling proud for yourself. I actually only feel proud for myself when I get good grades for creative assignments or when I look good in a self-made outfit. I don't feel proud about other things because I always belief I could much better.

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When my little brother's fist words were Nauna (that's what he called me until he was about four.

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- Anna: that reminds me of my little sister (she's turning 13 now) she never pronounce my name Judith, she said it u-dit like a baby, and she still does Happy

hmm proudest moment...maybe when I got a PhD offer by the chair of a good university from US...I was in the verge of loosing it because I've just suddenly been told that I need to do extra credits (like 10, that makes me crazy - 6 is equal to a whole year class) because I didn't have the subject in my bachelor. Right short after my prof told me he's giving me a cutoff but I have two papers to do and have to help him in his conference with extra work, I got this offer in the conference when I was on duty - just out of the blue. The prof who offered me told me the reason is everyone that he talked to (other scholars) there said I'm a really good student. It lifts my desperation of still not being able to find a job here (I live in Germany) because my German is not so fluent.

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The proudest moment in my life was when I gave birth to my two beautiful daughters. They continued to make me so proud all of their lives to this present time. As though I could not possibly be any prouder, they in turn gave me three beautiful granddaughters and one very handsome grandson.

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