High school currculum

im about to turn 13 and im home schooled. I've been thinking about high school and im getting ready with math and stuff. I might go to high school but if i dont i want to do it from home. Does any one know of a either cheap or free curriculum for high school? if you could let me know that would be awesome!!!

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3 replies since 13th June 2011 • Last reply 13th June 2011

there are a lot of websites that are online public schools and most are free. i think one is k12.org. check that out and look up something like "free online public school". i don't know personally how they work because i go to school, but im sure if you do research, you'll find something.

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What curriculum are you doing at the moment? I'm sure if you searched online you can find something similar. I was home-schooled for a year doing the Cambridge curriculum and when I wanted to go to a normal school I struggled but managed to find one that does exactly the same. I really love it at my school.

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im not doing a curriculum i've been using the book "math doesnt suck" i think its called, and for other subjects i just read random books i can find. thanx for the suggestions

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