I Almost Have 100 Projects! =D

Currently I have 93 projects, and I'm busy working on my 94th. Any ideas of things I can make to reach the 100 project mark?

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27 replies since 10th April 2011 • Last reply 10th April 2011

diy outfit? or a nice sun parsol!

I think I am 1050?

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I am at 1227 projects

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You guys must find it a lot easier to upload projects than me then I've just about given up.
Congrats and thanks for sharing the craftiness

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don't dive up! I love your projects

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I have 26. I don't really post most of the How-tos/prjects I do because I forget, or because I don't think we need more projects as basic as it.

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I have 26. I don't really post most of the How-tos/prjects I do because I forget, or because I don't think we need more projects as basic as it.

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this site is about sharing creativity and inspiration. Who knows, that really simple project might give a person with craft block a really good idea!

SO RAWR. what are you crafting?

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Well, I'm busy working on a How-To for corset-laced jeans. I don't have much time in between school at the moment so I work on it every now and then. Plus I saw on Friday that there's that competition for the book, so I wanna enter my project. How about you?

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I have an idea for a bleach dye shirt, need to wait till I get paied friday though, also a really cool box

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Yay I'm on 99 projects now, and still busy with my corset-laced jeans, haha xD

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I now have 100 projects, once my ultimate project goes through =D

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congrats rawr.rawr.x Happy I like your projects. I have only 13 published projects Happy and sent a project a few minutes ago but I have many ideas lol..I ve no enough times

by the way I started a new project from old sock last night Happy

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Sooo you totally got me thinking Joss, I have done so many swaps lately, and I always take pics of the projects I make. But I never want to post them until after they recive the swap, so it doesnt ruin the surprise.
Anyway I got to looking at all the projects I need to post and I have about 20 projects that are ready to be posted, I just need to get around to doing it! lol
When I do finally get all of them posted I will have 100! Woot woot! Thats crazt to think about because I have only been on this site since the end of December of last year....so only about 5-6 months! Thats like 16 projects a month. whoa. that blows my mind!
I just hope they arent crappy, lol I hate when people post really wierd not very well thought out stuff. Anyway now I'm rambling...
I cant wait to see your sweet 100th project!!!

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I don't usually post pics of any of the swaps I do, but maybe I should because personally I think most of my swap projects are better than my usual ones xD

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