What do your initials stand for?

S+P= Salt and Pepper

HAHA, just thought it would be fun if I gave myself a new name! Happy

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17 replies since 22nd December 2010 • Last reply 22nd December 2010

try mine

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LS = Lucky Strike lol

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SVV = Stroke Volume Variation

And if I try to search with Google for a dutch meaning of SVV I only find a soccer-club: SVV Scheveningen

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S A = Short Arse.....Lol, that's what my family call me because I am so small ;D

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michelle- MTG= Most Trustworthy Gal, lol, can't think of anything else. Happy

Jaeliniewinnie- I'm sure you'll come up with something. How about Just Kinda Exquisite... lol, this is fun!

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J.I. hmm im not sure what mine stands for...

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J.I. hmm im not sure what mine stands for...

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Try RJA...

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Juliana I.- Just Invincible. Happy

Lolly.Bot- Radical Jerking Artist! lol, it was a good try. Happy

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Michelle - MTG - Makes Tiny Gnomes

Me SG - Sew Good!!!

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Michelle - thought of a nicer one
Makes Tremendous Goodies Happy Although gnomes are nice still Happy

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Lolly bot - Really Jolly Artist

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Selina G.- Hey, your ideas are actually better than mine! Mine suck, lol. XD

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He he he! Erm lets think of one for you erm
Simply Perfect
Sends Presents
Sweet Person

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