need a craft friend

okay so im going to go out and say it. I have zero friends where i live. i have work people but they arnt the type of people id like to bring home and chill /art with. lol
im still kinda new to ohio.

anyways so i live in dayton ohio
is anyone near me?
i need a friend!!!!

girl time is a must and my husband isnt very crafty!

luna. <3

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10 replies since 4th October 2010 • Last reply 4th October 2010

Aw if I lived anywhere near there I would for sure craft with you, but I'm in Ga! Boo! So I really hope that you make a great new friend where you live and have all kinda of crafty fun! Best of Luck hon. Happy

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I haven't had a friend in years, about 5 or 6 if I recall. Last friend I had slept with my boyfriend. >.< I've become a hermit and don't like big crowds since then. But a craft friend sounds nice. I live in WI though.

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wow~Im not the only one..LOL! i was seriously thinking of taking out a friend wanted add! I dont get out much, live in the woods,hate chatting on the phone and havent had a real friend for years! I wish you all the luck in hte world! its hard to let ppl into your space!

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Spooks, where in GA do you live? I'm a Peach too!

(I'm in Brunswick...near St.Simons and Jekyll Island)

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I live in Cumming, Ga. but I'm not a peach, I'm originally from Tx ( been home sick for 14 years now) Happy I've never heard of Brunswick though.

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Oh...thats sad. I love my state. I don't think I could move so far for so long. My hubby wants to move to Alaska. I'm like, for a year or two MAYBE. lol

Brunswick is right on the coast. South East Georgia, near the GA/FL line.

So what do Texan's call themselves?

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Yeah I miss my home state very much. But Ga is alright.. since I've been here I have married and had 2 outstanding children, so that's awesome. I reckon I'd be a Cowgirl? haha Although thats not really fitting to my personality... idk. haha.

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atleast im not alone hahaha

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Nope your not alone , lol..I have lots of friends, but most are online, or friends that I only see occasionally and none of them do crafts..sigh..My daughter in Virgina usa, is very crafty, but to far way for me to craft with.
My sister's think I'm nuts es with the felting stuff.The quilts they understand , but not the rest..To bad one of them couldn't be

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sighs. why are we such the loner type. lmao

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