I'm back!! What have you all been up to?!

Hey everybody I'm back!! It seems like a long time since I was last on here. But I think it's only been a few days - 1 week MAX!!!

My laptop has been in an out of PC World for about 6 weeks (damn them :happy:: but it seems to be ok now - YAY!! ^_^

So what have people been up to? Anyone been on holiday or anything??

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11 replies since 24th July 2010 • Last reply 24th July 2010

Welcome back! ^-^

I was away for a little while too! Went camping to Colorado and had an amazing time!

I am currently trying to finish a robot I've been crocheting for a swap! :3

Glad your laptop is okay now!

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Hi Lolly...welcome back. I've been to Pagan camp. Re-newed my handfasting and made flutes. No computer, no mobile, no electricity, no main drains loo. Very mother earth Happy
Maybe I will post a how to for the flutes.
Happy laptop is ok....I had some serious virus removal to do on mine so was anxiously waiting for my CO&K fix too!

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BirdyLove: Ooohh sounds like you had a fantastic time!! I've never really been camping but sounds like a lot of fun indeed. I would <3 to see a picture of your finished crocheted robot!!

Sheila: WOW!! That sounds awesome too, very mother earth and nature orientated it sounds wonderful. Yes yes Sheila do post a how-to or even just a normal project, I'd love to see a picture. I'm glad your computer is fixed too. I'm so glad to be back on CO+K too, I can't believe how much I've missed it.

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Welcome back Lolly! I been doing the same ole thing, plotting world domination with my choice of weapons of mass destruction would be mutated gummi bears. Happy

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I shot a wedding

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I'm proud of you both.

Just remember when you successfully achieve world domination remember who your friends are *cough cough* (hint hint) ;) lol

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Giggles lots at Michelle. Lol.....it's just the way you worded your comment....what did the wedding do to get shot?!!!! ;D

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I'd be happy to show you my robot when I am done. I'll post it here soon (:

And yes! Camping is so much! For me anyway. Some don't go down to well with it you know? (:

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LOL @ Sheila

She's right though Michelle... what DID that wedding do to deserve being shot at?

BirdyLove - Sounds amazing, I ought to give camping a go some time. I would love to work at Camp America at least once.

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Lolly-Welcome back!! ^_^
Birdy-Ewww, a robot! I want to see. Is he cute or gundam wingish?
Sugarlishes-I have some evil pugs for hire if you would like them for your militia.
Michelle-Reminds me of Kill Bill..
Sheila-hehe ^_^

I just got back from visiting my Sister. We took my niece and nephew to their first water park. Needless to say we all have sunburns now. >_< But, it was completely worth it.

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Thanks... oh wow sounds like you had a lovely time!!

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