Your writing style

30 replies since 14th July 2010 • Last reply 14th July 2010

I got Dan that I look at it myself, it seems that I do write like him! XD

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Thanks for sharing this. I got Cory Doctorow. I'd never read any of his books or blogs before today but the resemblance in writing style, looks (he could pass as my brother), and interests is bizarrely similar!

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I got a different answer each different thing I posted. First I got Ann Rice ,Stephen king ,Cory Doctorow ,and Margaret Mitchell. I guess my writing style isn't consistent. :p It is fun though.

I sent in this post and got Cory Doctorow again. :o
I just got H. G. Wells. Happy

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I write like Cory Doctorow....who???? Never heard of him, must go now and google....

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For an English project I got Cory Doctorow, for a letter I wrote to the editor of a newspaper, I got Mario Puzo, and for a biography I had written for a history class I got Edgar Allen Poe.

And no, I was not writing to the newspaper about my problems with the local (and non-existant) Mafia, lol. Although my mum is apparently a huge fan of his.

And it scares me slightly that I'm like Edgar Allen Poe...

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It said I write like Chuck Palahniuk and I'm totally ok with that!

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Another Stephen King! Happy

I have never read his books- I have wanted to read his "IT" for a while now but my brother threw away the book when it got too scary for him :/

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I tried three stories I wrote a year ago and my results are:

-Cory Doctorow
-Margaret Mitchell

I'm going to try more of my stories later to see which name pops up more.

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Its an amusing toy, but doesn't stand up to serious scrutiny. Try typing in random characters and see who it suggests Happy

I got a different author for each post on my blog.

This blog post might be of interest if you want to know the story behind it though:

The tl:dr version is that this little toy was designed as the lead-in advert for a vanity publisher (who has since removed their links after being caught red-handed)

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david foster wallace 3 times in a row

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It said I wrote like Stephen King. I read half of his first book but never got around to finishing it....

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stephen king and edgar allan poe

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i write like James Joyce? wow i have never read his books hm new books in my list (i used and old poem of mine about a boy that sees dead people)

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That sounds fun- I write in very different styles depending on why I'm writing (purpose/audience), so I guess I come out as someone different every day!

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James Fenimore Cooper writer of The Last of the Mohicans got the same thing 3 times!

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