Craft books on your profile

We've added a new feature where if you click the + I Own It button on a book in the library, it'll appear on your profile. Give it a go:

Hope you like all the new features, we have lots more to come.

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14 replies since 12th April 2010 • Last reply 12th April 2010

Awesome. Just did it. (=

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can we suggest a book if its not listed?

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Yep, just click the Import a book to your library button at the top right:

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OMG that's soooooooo cool!!!

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super cool! I added my fave craft book YEAY.. but I don't think the review/rating function is working.

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I'm not sure if I want to confess to all the crafting books I own ! I have to say that I also borrow books from the library which influence my creativity lots so I never "own" them just their knowledge.
Can confirm that review link is broken :0(

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i have too many craft books to list, but i'll try and add my faves Happy

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Nothing is turning up when I search for John Murphy's "Stupid Sock Creatures"

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I found your book spright.... just search for it using ISBN # 1579906109

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too bad I dont own any craft books...Happy
Only some vintage crochet books.
Almost every book that's listed in the library I see for the first time.oh how I would love to own every one of them!Happy)

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Yeah, my Amazon wish list just grew exponentially=0

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Thanks, Kitty! Happy

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your welcome Happy

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Awesome! I've been playing with this feature, and also finding tons of crafty books to hunt at the library!!!! ^.^

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