Isn't it beautiful?

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I'm lost for words....

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16 replies since 28th January 2009 • Last reply 28th January 2009


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Absolutely stunning. Can you imagine seeing that in person?? ^.^

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there was a programme with joanna lumley (from absolutly fabulous) and she went to the north to see it (northern lights/aurora), I'm sure it made strange noises too, I don't remember. I'm very into this right now because of the book Northern Lights by Philip Pullman. It doesn't even look real!

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I know, it's so amazing! I keep thinking of the part in the Movie, THe POlar EXpress when all the clidren are on the train singing and they see the northern lights. If I ever write a To Do Before I Die, list that is sooo going on it!

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I have seen it in person, the best time is to go in the winter, Dec to Feb. When its -60 degrees C. You see the best ones.

I would love to see them again.

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wow, lucky you michele! *shivi starts to get a little jealous* Tongue

Thanks for the tip on when to see them!

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I would love to see them in person. Maybe someday Happy
you are very lucky Michelle....

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it is one of those things you MUST see before you die!

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We always used to stand outside when we were kids super late at night and watch the Northern Lights. My dad would wake us up, even if it was a school night. I dont get to see them much anymore now that I live in the city though Happy But yah, absolutely beautiful, one of the things I still look forward to driving across the prairies at night in the winter.

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oh yes, it is grand

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oooh good! i don't have to go soooo far north! I want to go to Montreal one day anyway so maybe we'll work in the northern lights some how, which bit of Canada do you have to be to see them? I saw shooting stars once and that was super amazing so northern lights oom!

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Im from Saskatchewan, but the Southern part of Saskatchewan only like 2 hours from the I dont think you have to go super far north to see them. They arent predictable though, it really depends on the atmospheric conditions as to whether or not they are going to show up Happy

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yeh joanna lumley got to see them on the very last night of her trip I think because they went further north and it wasn't cloudy

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I see them, they dance above my house, we're pretty far north, they are amazing. Greens, purples, oranges, reds, and they dance all night sometmes. With these amazing colors, when you're campong are you far far away from the city, its understable why so many acient peoples thought these where spirits. They dance so amazingly and always, its sooo perfect. My favorite part of being CanadianHappy

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