"I think that's the doctor that cut my legs off"

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7 replies since 30th December 2008 • Last reply 30th December 2008

I hate those bloody quiz things, that's why they're on at 1 am..........on itv

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Aaw I want to slap him...

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Wtf. Way to be horrible.

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Do you not find it absolutely hilarious? C'mon! if a woman phones you up at 2am and says "I have no legs" you're going to act a bit surprised aren't you?

I burst into fits of laughter everytime I hear her deliver that line.

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Yeah, his reaction is funny. Especially when he just leans into the camera holding out his hands.
Now that I've thought about it I can't make up my mind if she's actually being truthful or if it's just some sort of wind up. If she is telling the truth then it's a bit weird that she's telling it to some stranger on live TV at 2am lol

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haha my sound wouldn't work at first and I thought it was going to turn out he was the doctor that cut her legs off!

If you listen carefully you can hear her laugh after she says it, I say she is just drunk!

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I found it funny, but also weird and those presenters have to work at that time in the morning for a reason!

Those games are hard to understand too.

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