
I live in the UK where's a good place to get resin ?
Not many craft shops sell it which is a bummer :/

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6 replies since 17th October 2010 • Last reply 17th October 2010

Here are the suppliers I use...they are all mail order:

Fred Aldous

Hope that helps!

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I use

She is based in the UK and supplies resin and moulds which is cool!

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Thankssss! The site seeems awesome! (:

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Thankssss! The site seeems awesome! (:

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Hobby craft do it as well.. I only noticed by chance as all the staff don't seem to know what it is... It was by the masks, and modelling section.

Penny Dog is very good.

Don't use a company called art clay supplies I was pretty disappointed .plus the customer service were very rude when I emailed them.

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Oh yay. I had no idea hobby craft sold it. I think that may be a lot easier than scrounging the internets. (:

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