So I decided to go back on Facebook, as some of you lovely cut-out-and-keepers are not on the blogspot, I am! bymytwohands.blogspot.com/ I followed some of you already, but I'll follow your facebook too.

Of course if you are not on blogspot I would like to just follow your facebook. I'll look around on the sight here for your links too, but having links in one centralized location is best ;)

If you would like an extra friend on facebook, I am here!

OHH I am also getting divorced! September 12th is the day I'll be Austin again so I am changing over. AUSTIN AGAIN!! WOOOHOOO!! facebook.com/krista.austin.121

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5 replies since 19th April 2013 • Last reply 19th April 2013

You can feel free to add me. facebook.com/chaotika573
I should preface it though by saying that I am a very liberal/socialist radical feminist, which some people can't stand. Tongue And pretty much everything I post is about politics or history but sometimes I do post more personal stuff like normal people do, lol.

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Monika, don't you just hate it when you get an oponion and then deleted!!! for your own opinion? LOL I think I like your Facebook style!
Geni, I'll totally like your page, I usually like the cut-out-and-keepers facebooks "like" pages.

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I actually don't mind it if people delete me for my political posts--that usually means that they're not the kind of person I want to be friends with anyway, lol. Besides, how good a friend is someone when they delete you for saying you believe women should get equal pay? Tongue

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Lol Monika the bit about being a socialist radical feminist made me immediatly add you as a friend on facebook Happy I don't use facebook that much these days but when I do its normally something political.

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That is awesome, Kat! Happy

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