candle making

I have never done any candle making but I was looking into making bacon scented candles and apparently you just use bacon grease...does anyone know if I can you coffee grounds and/or instant coffee to make coffee scented candles?

I'm wanting to use things I might already have instead of having to buy oils...Thanks any help is appreciated!

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2 replies since 22nd January 2012 • Last reply 22nd January 2012

Fragrance oils will melt with the wax when the candle is lit... Solid objects like coffee grounds will become burnt when the flame gets too close, likely causing a really unpleasant smell.

As for achieving a bacon scent with bacon grease, you need to remember that animal fats (and vegetable fats, too, for that matter) are flammable, whereas beeswax and other candle waxes don't burn but melt.

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Thanks I had to no idea I downloaded instructions for the bacon candle that was just bacon grease guess I wont be trying that

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