What projects are you all working on at moment?

50 replies since 21st February 2011 • Last reply 21st February 2011

im currently working on to waist coats and am thinking of making a skirtHappy

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I was working on my crochet necklace but I delayed it for a month I think Happy. nowadays Im very busy. I traveled next week for educational seminary. also I got beautiful time and photos of Mediterrenean sea.

by the way I cooked and I will add new recipes for delicious pizza and chicken soon!!!

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I'm working on finishing up tutus for the point class I teach's spring show... buuutttttt I absolutely HAVE to finish them tonight so I can get them dropped off at the studio for their picture day...

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well im now on to crocheting a carrot scarf for my daughter for easter. She loves carrots....maybe even a little obsessed... :/ only started last night but its pretty easy so shouldnt take too long.
THEN i need to get cracking on my Harry Potter Puppet Pals finger puppets for my fiance's birthday...it's in a month and i start my new job this week so will have less time! Once i finish this scarf i think i'll make myself do that before i start anything else!!

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right, finished the scarf!! Now to make HP puppet pals!

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Working on gift for my Dad's b'day.Currently have tea drying on Lustrodur and bamboo paper.
Many years ago my Dad made me a fused glass panel and I'm trying to create it but using paper.
Carrot scarf sounds very cool.
woooh just had an ace idea for corner bookmarks for his new singing group made of old sheet music.byee

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Debs i made a corner bookmar similar for my fiance!! He loves music and plays guitar, but i didn't have any sheet music so i printed some off the internet!

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Woot I finished a make up bag yesterday that I made out of an oold t shirt and some fabric scraps that I got at a craft swap :]

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Right now I'm reconstructing my (mountainous amount) of t-shirts. I got SOOO sick of wearing just plain t's all the time. >.<
ITs really addicting (but time consuming since i dont have a sewingmachine) , & im so happy its summer now so i can wear my more recent revealing ones!

*RIP my Linkin Park shirt, that got cut/reconstructed too much and had to be trashed.* Happy lol

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i guess this doesn't count as "working" but i have taken a few patterns out. that is as far as i have gotten. can you spell L-A-Z-Y

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Jewelry repair/remaking.

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I'm busy working on a corset laced jeans how-to =]

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Im still hand quitling the pansy quilt, but I got the material to make another quilt the other day , I have the material washed and am drying it and waiting to get started cutting out the pieces.
I thought something was funny about the price of the material when i went to pay and didnt ck till I get to the car.I got 4 yards of the white and they onely rang up 1 yard, so I have to go back to the store and pay for the other 3, I want to get some more of the other material for binding to.Im excited because I get to use my new
sewing machine.

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Oh my goodness I'm struggling trying to make home made mod podge at the moment ahaha. So far, I'm using regular elmers glue & some water, but it either comes out too watery or too goopy :<
I was told to try wood glue then get a spray shine for my project, so I'll try that Tongue

If anyone know where I can find mod podge in the philippines let me know. Tongue

Happy Crafting!

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new jewelry

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