Gummi Bears

For those of you who have made the gummi bear bracelets can anyone tell me how well these hold up? How gummi are they when you finish? How long have you had your FO?

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2 replies since 28th October 2009 • Last reply 28th October 2009

I made one fro my friends birthday back in January and she said it lasted quite well - but I oculd have done with using some stronger string to hold it together =S Also I used Nail varnish rather than proper varnish and the gummy bears creacked when they were squashed - so I would definately recommend using proper varnish, it might be more expensive than nail varnish but the braceltet will last wayyyy longer

Happy Crafting =] xx

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Gummi Bear Bracelets? Really?! I'm so going to search how to make this!!!

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