steampunk inspired

hey guys, me and my boyfriend are thinking about making steampunk outfits for our steampunk inspired d&d campaign

any ideas

<a href="" target="_blank"><img src="" border="0" alt="Woman's Steam Punk Hair Piece 1/2 Pictures, Images and Photos"/></a>

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10 replies since 25th July 2009 • Last reply 25th July 2009

Sorry, I'm not being helpful, but do you know anywhere good to get steampunk ingredients? Like bits of clocks and stuff like that?

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Have you had a look on Flickr - some people have uploaded the coolest outfits they've made.

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I'm checking out vintage/thrift stores

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check out these two places


The first one is in the UK and the other is in the US

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I love steampunk kinda clothing so I would be very eager to see progress, and to try making something myself and sharing it with you...

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sweet i love steampunk. im almost done making my steampunk inspired jacket and then try to look for things to make my goggles Happy

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this site has a lot of pictures!!

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Knittin'Kitten you can get a box of clock parts on ebay pretty cheep if that healps

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Knittin'Kitten you can get a box of clock parts on ebay pretty cheep if that healps

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