Drafting a pattern for a skirt?

I'm brand spanking new to sewing (I've just done small things so far - my specialty is sock monsters!) and I decided for my very first article of clothing, I want to do a simple skirt. No zippers, buttons, etc. Just some stretchy jersey knit fabric. The problem is, I can't find a pattern I like. I've found several examples of actual skirts I like, but I have no idea how to go about drafting a pattern. So, I'm here to ask HALP!

Below are the skirts I like - they seem pretty simple, but then again, I could be wrong! If anyone could give me any ideas on how to cut the fabric for any of these, please let me know! Thanks!




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1 reply since 29th December 2008 • Last reply 29th December 2008

Go to a site called burda style and they have lots of free patterns from other sewer you can print out the patten , its free just register and sign in. good luck

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