no really it is, I don't want to wash it every day, I wash my hair every second day, because if I wash it every day it dries out after a bit, and I get dandruff...sigh

Wa to dooo??? Happy

its also longer now, like pass my shoulders, and I think my hair is causing the pimples around my hairline and my neck.

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21 replies since 7th November 2009 • Last reply 7th November 2009

My hair gets really greasy too which is mad. With all the bleaching and dyeing it should be crispy. If I washed it every day I'd have to redye it weeklyHappy
I have to wear hats a lot lol (I look ridiculous in a bandana:/)

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I love your hair, I am considering letting it grow again...I dunno..

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Thank you:] I keep wondering about letting mine grow again, I probably won't though. I never know whether to have a fringe/bangs or not, when I cut one I wish I hadn't and when I grow it out I want to cut it in again lol.
I always used to want dreadlocks, I've learned how to do them now but my hair is too short and I'm probably too old to carry them off anyway:]

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I know, when its long you want it short, vise virsa

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Yeah it's the same with straight and curly lol, we always want the opposite:]

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Do you take super hot showers?? B/c that may have to do with your scalp drying. I HAVE to wash my hair daily b/c I too have greasy hair. As far as breaking out, put your hair up in a loose pony tail before you go to bed. And if you still break out, try changing your pillow cases b/c that too can make ppl break out.

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I tried a cup of lemon juice instead of shampoo, it really helped. when I took a shower instead of shampooing I used a cup of lemon juice. I poured it on my hair during my shower and rinsed it off

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Use the shampoo from the Simple range of hair and beauty products. It works soooo well. Its hypoallergenic and has citrus extract which stops grease build up.

its from england but if you are overseas then you can order online. its

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I used to have that problem like crazy, but I think that dying it + time has slowed the process. It still gets greasy from time to time.

What I did/do is wash everyday, which I'm told is counterproductive to the scalp's oil production, but washing it every other day never eased the oil production. I used clarifying shampoo and only conditioned the ends with light conditioner. I also made sure to not put a lot of shampoo on my scalp, because that can cause buildup (dandruff and grease).

Keeping my hair short also seems to help, maybe because there's less weight on my scalp. Spray shampoo (pssst!) is also your friend. I used it for touch ups throughout high school, because my hair would start getting greasy in the middle of the day.

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Mines been much better since I've been using Lush's shampoo bars. They've got far less 'crap' in them and you need much less. It doesn't foam up but it washes out easier and I don't find my hairs greasy everyday now. I therefore have come to think that a lot of the grease was as a result of hair products, I also think washing it every day can make it greasier. Apparently it over stimulates the glands that produce the grease.

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I have greasy hair too, I wash it either every other day or daily. If I am not going out and mooching around my house and can't be bothered to wash my hair I pull it all back and tie is in a bun or ponytail. I might try the lemon juice. Most typical shampoo's from the shop do not de-greasify my hair. I might try Lush stuff - I <3 that place.

The statements that washing it everyday makes it dry or greasy are apparently myths, since everyone's hair is different it needs different levels of maintainence. It annoys me though because sometimes I really can't be arsed to wash it all the time!!

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when it gets really greasy i saw on the tyra show they said 2 put just a little bit of baby powder in ur hair then shake it out little bit and sleep with ur hair in scarf or use satiny pillows if it helps

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My hair's long and very thick, and takes ages to dry, so instead of washing it every day, I use dry shampoo on the front and top to get rid of greasyness between washes.

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Maybe you could try apple vinegar.Just put a tablespoon in O.5 l water and let it stay on your hair for five minutes.
Or you could make rosemary tea and put it on your wet hair-this helped me.You dont need to wash it out,just dry your hair.

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