What's the worst thing you've ever said to your parents?

So about 20 minutes ago I got in a bit of a fight with my dad and I may or may not have told him to "F**k off". I've never cursed at my parents before and I would never curse at my mum because she's nice and understanding and I love her but my dad is another story. He's a manipulative & bitter person who's happiest when everyone around him feels horrible. He tries to set people against eachother and he name-calls all the time but he's too much of a coward to say it to their faces. Lets say if my brother doesn't do what he asked, when my brother is not around my dad will say "stupid no-good peice of crap" for everyone else to hear which brings everyone down and makes the house uneasy.

Before this turns into too much of a rant I want to add that another specialty that my "lovely" father has is ranting about others in the family to other people. Just 20 minutes ago he started going on and on about my mother (who I adore) behind her back to me which put me over the edge. He does this in a way that's so childish and disgusting as well. Lets say my mother forgot to ask my aunt to borrow a tool that we need for some renovations my dad will come up to me and say "How long has it been? 1, 2, 3, days? I asked for that tool 3 days ago and still she couldn't even do that. Or did she? No I don't think so because I still don't have it." If you don't walk away or make him stop talking he will go on and on for ever.

At this point I said "You know what dad? F**k off! I'm tired of you being an ass and treating me, and my mother like crap." and I proceeded to walk away but that wasn't good enough because as I was walking away he was still saying "Well it's been days and she still didn't..." so I said "I don't f-ing care! Stop talking to me about it!" and I continued to walk away.

Like I've said I've never cursed my parent's out before but I'm so sick of feeling like crap because of him and I'm sick of him putting down the people I care for that I snapped.

So now I'm wondering, what's the worst thing you've ever said to your parents? Am I a horrible person?

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7 replies since 15th June 2011 • Last reply 15th June 2011

It doesn't seem to have fazed him at all so I wouldn't worry about it. Your dad clearly isn't capable of realizing that putting his children in the middle of things going on between him and your mom is unfair and ridiculous- he's asking you to be the parent or the mediator. Instead of being grown up enough to ask your mom again to ask for the tool or even better yet, call your aunt himself to ask for the tool- he comes to you to rant hoping you'll take it to your mom.

But you’re far from being a bad daughter for telling him to “f*ck off,” I’ve said far worse things to my mother. I once sent her over the edge when she tried to force me to break up with my boyfriend (because the only time I could see him was at night), I was around 20 at the time and I got so pissed at her for trying to take away the first thing that had made me happy in a long time I told her all about my depression, the 8 months I starved myself right under her nose without her realizing it, I showed her the scars I had from when I used to cut and then I laid into her about how much her behavior had caused most of it. She flipped out needless to say (took it into the dramatics which is her specialty) and packed all her and my then foster sister’s stuff up into the car and left. She drove around for a couple hours before she realized she had nowhere to go and came back. Then somehow it turned into an issue between my parents and my dad had to talk to her.

Don't feel bad about it and don't make it into an issue is my advice. If he comes to you to complain about your mom or your brother ever again, I'd just walk away and not say anything- eventually he'll get the point.

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You're not a horrible person. Everyone gets mad sometimes and it's not always possible to control what you say to someone when you're mad.

My dad never even knew I swore until one time we had a huge fight and in my blind rage told him to go f*ck himself. I felt so terrible afterwards because I'd never been so disrespectful towards him and I could see that he was hurt. Luckily we managed to talk things out later, then everything was fine.

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I called my mum "a fucking c*nt"

Sorry, but I don't think anyone can beat that :/

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I can beat that...

my mum and dad never married so she had me in her teenage years...

the worst thing is that a week after they split up but stayed friends i was about 5 and I told my mum... "I want to stay with daddy"

she was still a teen and having to live with her mum again she had no support money she found it hard to get by...

she told me about this the other day.

She stayed friends with my dad but still hurts when she thinks of that ...

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Ah parents behaving like children. One of my mother's specialities. There are others but that may take a while to explain. I just avoid talking to my mother as much as possible, and when we do talk, as soon as she starts talking childish BS I just "uh hu" and "ah ha" away until she gets bored. And I then make a point to completely ignore every damn word she's said.
I wouldn't worry about it. Over the years I've lost it several times at my mother. I believe one time I told her to "Grow the f**k up. Maybe if you didn't spend so much time treating her(my sister) like the spawn of the devil she wouldn't have moved out. You've only got yourself to blame" With hindsight , pretty harsh but it had to be said. If they constantly push you, somethings eventually gonna give.

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The harshest thing I said to my father (who I can't stand but apparently loves me loads) is:.... "I don't want you to walk me down the aisle" {when I get married)
According to my mum that was really harsh and he HAS to walk me down the aisle. B.S. he has to.

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"I wish you had died instead of my dad."

I told my mom that. My dad passed away when I was 6, I dont remember what age I was when I said this to her, but I wasn't quite 10yrs yet.

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