so my boyfriend is turning 21 and.....

I HAVE NO IDEA WHAT TO GET HIM!!! we've been together for almost 4 years so i have pretty much made him everything i could possibly think of in his past birthdays and anniversaries and christmases lol. and since its his 21, i wanted to make him or buy him something special. i just really need some advice. just so you guys know, im 19 so i can't buy him anything liqour lol (just so you guys don't suggest that haha)
advice would be highly appreciated!!! thank you <3

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4 replies since 7th November 2010 • Last reply 7th November 2010

The pinup shoot is a GREAT idea, and as long as you have the right photographer (aka, experienced with pinups), it will be loads of fun for both of you! I mean, you can make it fun anyway, but generally, pinup photographers really add to the concepts, plus they normally have unique props and so on, as well.

If you do it right, it could really be a gift for both of you--though he need not know this. ;)

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yeah, that sounds great.

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What are his likes?style?music taste?

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wow! i can't belive i never thought about that lol, i love the pin up photoshoot idea! i have a couple of proffesional photographer friends i really need to give them a call right away. thank you guys soooo much <3

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