Party Poison Costume

Hey guys, I want to be Party Poison, and nobody sells stuff for it, so I was wondering if y'all had any tips on how to make it. The jacket is what worries me the most.

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2 replies since 29th September 2013 • Last reply 29th September 2013

I've totally made (well, attempted to make.. I never quite finished it since I realized it would end up way too small) a Party Poison jacket from scratch using blue costume vinyl from Joann's, buuuuut I can't really explain how to make one.. (I sew, and I used some of my own patterns I had from other jackets I've made), so I can't help much in that area.. I would suggest hitting up thrift stores, or little boy's sections of stores. They might have a bright blue nylon jacket or a puffy vest that you can customise with red and white paint. Happy

As for the other stuff, I've seen identical eyemasks at halloween stores around this time of year for like, $1, and I'm sure you can find gloves as well.

Also, I just did a search on ebay.. Some people offer jackets for $100+ .... Yeeeeeaaaaah.

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Hmmm, it depends. How good are your sewing skills/how much money are you willing to spend/how accurate do you want the jacket?

The simplest, cheapest, no-sew method would probably be to just find a similar jacket in a thrift store or ebay and paint it to match.

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