How do you distress an iron-on?

So I had an idea that I'm really excited about for an iron-on t-shirt, but if possible, I'd like to distress the iron-on a bit. I was considering sandpaper, but I read that that takes the image right off, merely ruining the shirt, so i'm not sure.

Does anyone have experience doing this, or any ideas? Thanks so much!

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3 replies since 7th September 2011 • Last reply 7th September 2011

how about a plastic pan scourer?
My daughter wanted a iron-on transfer taken off an item of clothing and this was one of the stages we went through.
Make sure the iron-on is fully adhered before you start otherwise you'll increase the risk of just taking it straight back off (washing the item might be a good idea)

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What about tearing/ scuffing away bits of the design before you adhere it to the t-shirt?

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you might be able to use watered down paint to dirty up a little bit, just mix a little bit of paint in water, paint it on what you want to dirty and wipe it off. NO idea if it'll work but it's a thought...

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