Making a tshirt into a thank top?

I have this shirt that I absolutly love and it started to get holes under the sleeves. I cut the sleeves off and had this idea that I could make it into a tanktop not really sure how to go about doing that. Im a newbie at diy stuff Tongue. Any helpful ideas?

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2 replies since 23rd November 2010 • Last reply 23rd November 2010

Hi there. You would have to reshape the shoulder seam. When it had a sleeve in it would be a square shape.

Sleeveless tops have a sloping shoulder seam.

Put the top on and lift the seam up where the sleeve was. You will see that there is a lot of space under your arm.

You need to lift it and pin the top seam so that the extra fabric is lifted and a comfortable fit.

When you have pinned it you can test to see if it is too tight or loose by stretching your arm out horizontal.

The seam will take out a triangle shaped piece of fabric as you need to pin from the outer edge up to your neck.

You may need to take the side seam in a little too as where the sleeve was set you could have a triangle of fabric that is left.

This depends on how fitted the Tee shirt was.

Use zig zag or a serger to neaten the seams. Use a looser tension on your machine so the stitching doesn't snap.

Hope this helps Happy

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for a real simple and quick fix- get a thread and needle and weave it in and out along the shoulder seam (to make a drawstring) pull it tight gathering the fabric and tie your knot then repeat on the other side...or to be extremeley simple run a ribbon under the shoulder seem pulling on end out of the neack hole and the other out of the arm hole and tie on top repeat on the other side...hope this helps

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