i'm an introverted person who sits for hours staring at the screen gathering courage to post a comment. my family thinks i have "issues" and i think i'm an information junkie with a delinquent child's take on socializing and i just love to be on my own. i live in south-east asia [Laos] for the past 7 years, it's the most tranquil place on earth. it's the first time in years that i have an internet [the-slowest-in-the-world] connection. i'm a noob at life. and i apologize a lot.
i hope you like the stuff i make, it takes ages to upload photos, and takes time to get an approval for a project, but i hope to get noticed and "liked" by you, i am extremely unappreciated in my family, who thinks that i should get a life and stop scattering myself: i sew, i paint, i embroider, i make jewelry, i knit and crochet i make plants grow in loops, i do wood carving and landscaping designs and drill a lot, i re-vamp everything and i draw draw draw..
I have a child, we both speak 4 languages. we rescue dogs. we have 5 now. he says he's lucky to have me as his mom. and that makes me happy.
i hope you like the stuff i make, it takes ages to upload photos, and takes time to get an approval for a project, but i hope to get noticed and "liked" by you, i am extremely unappreciated in my family, who thinks that i should get a life and stop scattering myself: i sew, i paint, i embroider, i make jewelry, i knit and crochet i make plants grow in loops, i do wood carving and landscaping designs and drill a lot, i re-vamp everything and i draw draw draw..
I have a child, we both speak 4 languages. we rescue dogs. we have 5 now. he says he's lucky to have me as his mom. and that makes me happy.
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- followed Artisticlover 02 Sep 04:29
- commented on their comment i can not send the message =( so i'm paste-ing it here, for the whole world to read. My Dearest Nora! Hello. First of all - my deepest apologies. I hope you've received my humble swap-items already. I've been extremely unlucky [health-wise, and n... to nora c. 21 Jul 07:55
- commented on their comment My Magical Nora. I'm sending you a message right now. I've been a wreck, i am sorry. xoxo to nora c. 21 Jul 06:28
- commented on their comment XX incredible XX Violetta! I wish i could marry you! to Silhouette Bird Necklace 16 Jun 15:30
- commented on their comment hey sweetheart, whats up? did you get your sis's Lego? <3 to Loopy 16 Jun 15:23
- commented on their comment oh, and i see that you answer people on YOUR page [i did the same before =) above their comments], you should go to THEIR page, 'cos otherwise they won't have an idea that you replied =)we get notified only when someone comments on our own page. Have ... to Zesty 16 Jun 10:40
- followed Zesty 16 Jun 10:36
- commented on their comment Thank you for the fave, darling xoxox to Zesty 16 Jun 10:36
- commented on their comment You made only one comment ever and it was to tell ME that i did not use a button, but it was called a BEAD? Good one, Gabriella! And you sound like i tricked you or smth =) No, seriously, it was a button. Take my professional word for it. [try to get ... to * Crafty Creator * 13 Jun 15:42
- commented on their comment It is in fact a plastic button =P If you'd taken a sec to read the description you'd've known the reason for using a button, not a bead. but you can think of it as a "bead" if that makes you happy to Easy Peasy Keyring 13 Jun 15:34
- commented on their comment Hi Nadine! Thank you for you friend request and the fave =) xoxo have a great day! to ♪♫♪♫NaDiNe ♪♫♪♫ 13 Jun 07:27
- followed ♪♫♪♫NaDiNe ♪♫♪♫ 13 Jun 07:19
CO + K User
lots of love charlooooooootte x
My fingers are getting better,but they still hurt and I cant crochet...buuu...
Yeah,I think you should totally start a blog!I was insecure about it too,but now its just so much fun!You just go to blogspot.com and its really easy.Be sure to let me know if you make one!
We are having lovely sunny days here,Im relaxing all day.And I made another happy cake in the morning when there was no electricity power so I was bored.
Many hugs and healing thoughts for your pain!
Hey your lego pendant is awesome!And your boy is so sweet!
I hope your forehead is better and healing!
CO + K User
Don't worry about your family. I guarantee they're all just jealous of your calm and tranquility. (inside) I'd much rather do what made me happy and never make a dime than be in "business" BLAH!
And if you capture the hearts of children and animals, then that means you are truly a unique, and beautiful spirited person. Children and animals can "feel" the true intentions of a person. Besides, being "grown up" is overrated.
It's cool that your mother was born on December 1st too. I brought my baby home from the hospital 7 days later...on MY Birthday, December 8th. It was such a joyful experience.
And don't worry about not liking men. Most are jerks anyway and don't deserve to even be acknowledged. There are very few good men left in the world today. (very few good women too, for that matter)
And to be able to see something and recreate it is a wonderful skill. You are obviously talented. Just because you don't use your talent to make millions of dollars (and you could) doesn't mean you are unaccomplished. God gives you a talent to make yourself happy and to bring joy to others, not to become rich in the ways of the world.
Chin up...Don't ever doubt yourself again!
Just curious, what does "manabunga" mean?
Have a great day! Create beauty from your heart, with your hands!
CO + K User
It does sound like faith!
Ohh,I did a bit reading about Laos and I got all exited when I read the "land of million elephants" part!
Well,I dont have a Facebook account,Im not a big fan of it...but lately Im thinking of signing up just because my Cut Out and Keep friends.So if I do Ill be sure to let my new awesome friend know about it!
Sending much love for you too and hope you have a great day!
I just started a blog a few days ago,here's the link:
How are you doing?Im watching movies,bored to death...
Dont worry about the boards,everyone is super nice and loving here,thats why I love hanging around here every day!And if you have aaaany questions about the site feel free to ask,if I know Im happy to answer'
Oh,and let me know when you want to swap!
I cant wait to swap with you girl,yesterday I looked up where Laos is,WOW!
Yesterday I was at my moms place and showed her your last minute gift project,she loved it and wants me to make one for her!Now to find a shell like that...
Hmm...a pillow? well,maybe you should take a picture in its natural position/place like on the bed.Or one thing I do when I dont know how to take pics of a project is that I take it out and put it on the grass.Nothing is a better background then lovely green grass!Like in my Lolli Pop Ring project.
Hope I could help!
I take the same meds so i know how they tast.LOL
but thanks for the great advice. hey sleep tight and well, and much beautiful dreams;-D
hey how are you now doing? and did it turn out great the paste flour figures with your son and did the teacher like the shell gift of yours. tell me please.;-D
tell my more about the story and of the time limit and i've it can be on colour and so on.
i must think of it. Its is all not too well, it is beginning to get worse.-S So i have made some x ray pict of my neck and i will hear of the neurologic md what is happening so my hands are bad and my arms too, and lot of pain. so i 'm not very happy.
but i try to be kind and friendly. and the only good things for now is that muis was really sick last night and tomorrow still and didn't want to eat, thats worse because then they can die.
she was a litlte ferverish, my too but that a differend story.LOL
so she lay underneat my sweater on my leap like a child kangeroo.
soooo sweet, she does that always when she is ill.
and in the afternoon she took a sunbad on the balconey and then suddenly she was eating. so i'm really relieved.
she had done this before she had an inflamation in her stomach, so she had to stay on the IC of the animalhospital. Okay she was the mds their fave patiencend but my money didn't like it.LOL
i know now why they are so fond of her, but then i didn't understand it at all. she is well educated by me, so she let all the things that aren't nice do by them, and she loved them still. so when they walk aside of her, she stood up to the glass and miawed for a few strokes and she sprong in their arms.
so a day later when i spoke to her md that she belongs to me she said oooo from our fave sweety muis. huuuh.
later on i had to come again in a hurrie back it went again wrong she liked to make a pict of muis with a friend of her. But muis was very bold on every place was out of her furr a piece bold through them so i told her she looks sooooo ugly , but that didn't matter at all the md told me she was too fond of her muis cat.LOL
I had uploaded a new tute b ut its still not approved, so i don't know what the matter, i make now the tutes of the stands
And a other good news is that the organisation which i'm board member of is restarted. My friend that has started the organisation is suddenly 2 month ago died too young 44 years.
and a stupid mistake of the md s in the hospital. i didn t had happend at all.
but okay thats helping nodbody. so after some grieving and mouring we have make up some discisons and we are back.
we have exposed a brand new picknick table which is driveable in one of the public gardens in my town.
i couldn't come but i have seen the video , sooo awesome. Happy too of that we can go further with the good idea's we had.
let me know some more and i give you my answer. Tooo of deadlines and so on.
and i think i must send then my normal mail adress to you thats working for those things better.
so i don't say no but i must think and learn more of it.
but thanks for you lovely sweet kind words on my cartoons.
Okay this will do , much love, kindness and greetings and hi for your son and a lot of hugs and kisses.;-D
Im so up for swapping with you,when your finished with Nora!
Just let me know and we can arrange it!
And thank you for the nice comments!
I love all your projects. ☺
thanks for faving my final art project ^_^
thanks for the friends request...you are an incredibly talented lady!! ^_^
Yes i know that every body think of having those brains that we all are stupid. but i have found a book of a shrink with adhd!!!
so thats the real prove.LOL
I told a other shrink that it was a great book too for him to learn about it somemore, he didn't know anything about those problems. But first he said to me oooh thats a selfsupporting book of an other patiend i said nooooooh it isn't its a book for you too its written by a colleque of yours.LOL
Later he had read it too and was glad that i had pushed it too his mouth. I hate those people.
Yes i'm still very tired. but that's because i have problems with my neck My neck is almost broken , the spinal marrow is very very near so the fluid of my brain couldn't almost throught the other parts of my body thats why i'm a real wheelie.LOL
Hey i'm not weak or sick or ill , i only have those problems, and i'm used to that. I 'm having a lot of fun everyday. sooo i'm though you know yust like you are.!
And i had some stupid excident an driver was riding to fast on to high bumbs so my neck is damaged , i was almost recoverd and my little sis became 50 and picked me up to drive me to Amsterdam but she forgot totally that she had to ride slowly for me, so i'm trying now to recover from my third whiplash.
its feeling not sooo good, but , i still hope that it is almost over.
I'm used to have everyday neuropathic pain so ,that why i'm always tired too. but i live my life with pain and the pain is not living my life. So i always managing to be funny and kind and not a crumpy old lady.LOL
But Gerard and Karin and my md and some other friends know that it is getting worse, i know that too, but i don't like to think about it, thats for latter, i try to rest and be calme and wait for better times so i go back on my own art work.;-D
I have the strange habbit of thinking that the wheels are just a toy.LOL so i can play everyday.LOL
woow sounds scarry much damaging arround your house?
hope not.!
Wooow thats awesome that you making the little figures, i make just now an tute of making other animals on one picture you see some but i have make more drawing for other animals too.
but i think i have finished this next weekend.
and i just see that you ve uploaded more projects , awesome!
don't be worring about me, i take good care of myself, thats why i'm stocked at home for 3 months. i can be very patiencend when i have to.LOL
and that with jumping brains.LOL
have a nice day with your son i think you are a good mother for him. Like my sis with her daughters. super !!!
Love , much fun and much love and much hugs with kisses;-D
mi dispiace per il tuo giardino! le tempeste sono frequenti lì dove vivi? dev'essere un posto bellissimo. Tu di dove sei originaria?
ascolta battisti e mina. invece come cantanti contemporanei puoi provare con i Negramaro e i Subsonica ;)
I just checked out your ring!And you where right,I love it!And I have some very similar glass and wood beads,so look out for a version!;)
Thank you,Im all good now,exept for the computer trouble...
I have my new kitty sitting in my lap and we are getting some really great sunshine these days!I hate the rain...
Awww,your super cool too!I see we share the passion for plants!
Hope you are having a great day too new friend!
Love your projects,cant wait to see more!
Friends? ^__^
adesso sono curiosa devi dirmi quali cantanti italiani ascolti!!
parli un pò di italiano? dove l'hai imparato?
a presto!
so i know this strange feelings. but having some friends on cok is helping too, because they know about this too by their own, and always given me some support, so i try to do the same.
to by others. just because i know that they have done so much effort for this.
and not alwalys people has to read about how , some project are only this one or you can see how it is maked so ... don't worry about that.
you have done a good job girl.;-D awesome they shoes!!!
they are soooooo reall love her much more. ! ;-D
awesome let my know about that, but now you know how you can anwer awesome, you're a fast learning crafting girl.!!LOL
and you know i did the same in the beginning of my membership so thats only funny to see that others must learn that same thing too.I'm not the only stupid girl.LOL
hey much love hugs and kisses;-D
like that a lot.
I'm a dutch girl and i must learn a lot from all of you to be a better english girl undercover.LOL. so thanks for letting me know.
I do really my best, but its my seccond langues, and i don't speak it dailys. Uhhhh no i'm wrong about that, i do that just a short time daily on cok.LOL
I'm learning still new words..
did you know that i've you answer backwards you must click on the avatar name to jump to their personal page. If you didn't had asked me i never had read your answer. but happily i see and read it just now. i had did the same when i was a brand new one.
I had too learn a lot of internet. LOl and soooo addicting.
so i have thought with Sheila to lay some foundations of the AA group of crafting girls but then it must be a other name.LOL
My sis has the same with dogs. She has now two dogs and to much cats 6 they live in her house too and a new puppy. Her youngest daugther may picked a dog out from the animal shelter, and she saw this poor darling, but then she didn't now that he become toooo large and big. like a denish dog. I have seen him lately too, and he was for me too big, but i'm a wheelie, so most dogs are to big for me.LOL
i'm okay with my wheels. i'm used to that so don''t be sad. its normal for me. but thats why i 'm working at my house.
My whole appartment is becoming my working place.LOL
I have a adhd brain, so its getting chaotic by me.LOL
but with some helping hands of Karin my friend and my adhd coach its beginning to less chaotic house.LOL
I live in an old town in a flat on the fourth flour.
all the flours have a large room which we share which the other neigbours on that flour, so we are a sort of living group. Only we have our own kitchen and bathroom and so on. We picked over years our own neigbours out, but now the appartments are sold so we don't choose our own neigbours any more, to bad, because we were all very social to each other.
but i will move!!! I will go back to my roots. I 'm born in Amsterdam in the provincie of Nord Holland and i will go to that provicie again.
Not Amsterdam, but a city nearby. old too. More to the seashore.
i'm sooooooo exciting about it. Most at the time i try to clean my materials up to crafting projects, but that doens't work to well.LOL
There i will got more help and more care , its a free living house, but i can call for help for the whole day , so i will get a more normal live again. I must set my alarm for all those helping hands.LOL
not always fun and i could go out then in the eving and it doesn't matter how late i come home .Love that.
i have tryed to get such a place here, but it didn't work out for me.
so thats why i love this sooooo much. Karin my friend live nearby and my sis too.
We aren't twins, but we act like them.LOL she is named Karin too.
I know to much Karins. LOL so i try to call them differendly.
Hey did you maked the doll here shoes too?
o i think you h ave given the answer on your project.LOL i will go later to check to that.
I have to special cats, they are birmees cats, one is a real birmees a blue one. she is very tiny and blue thats grey so i have called her Muis, thats translated Mouse, she act like a mouse too.LOL
And i have a birmilla she looks like a wolf , her furry. and i have called her Wolfje, little wolf. and she thinks still thats she is a dog. she behaved like them. so all my friends tease me with her.
But they are awesome and lovely , and sometime we didn't like each other, but thats normal i suppose.;-D
i don't have kiddo's because most of the deseases i've are genetic. so i thought poor child and poor me so i must not do that.
In my living group we had kiddo's too and they were playing on my living room too, so i had plenty time with them to share.
they are now all aldults and some of them have their own kids.
If you like i can give you some good sites of knitting and crochet and i can help you with the translation to understand the patterns.
its all aboout the abbreviations. and when you understand them its easy, but i have an other problem i try allways to make my own of it, so i make not the same at all. LOL
And mostly tooooooo large and to big.
Its all of the art academy i had to learn to work big , but i was at then working big, so it became hudge.LOL
I have now an other problem.LOL
Okay i'm a big talker, but you don't have to answer them all, its my problem, in dutch it is the same. , friends are telling me its my specialty. i love to entertain people ;-D
okay like to be your friend , funny that you have put the chain on a jar like that. and do calm about that, easy does it.
just having fun, hey till later, and much hugs and kisses.
i will post a little knitted something today, i don't know what to call it, it was supposed to be an armband, but i covered a flowerpot with it instead. I learned knitting and crocheting myself, i still can not understand the patterns, so i try to guess how it works and then it suddenly does =)
and the family. yeah. painful. they are all very successful and have high standards and i don't fit in. i can not work with them [family business] due to my social-incompetence [my dad's words]; but they are very eager to use my ideas and make money with it, i'm ok with that, but i have trust issues now on top of everything else hahaha
and about the dogs. we don't look for them to rescue, it's just that my heart breaks when i see an unfortunate one or one being treated badly; then i lose my shy self and become a dragon. and we get a new dog =) cats are exotic animals for my son Erik, he grows up in Laos [we moved from austria when he was wee 8 months old], the cats are everywhere but you can't touch them they run away =) there's no such thing as "house kept" cat in Laos [they run free, coming home to eat, relax and lick their "fighting" wounds, everyone has a house with garden, apartment blocks don't exist here]. The girl Alice [prototype for my doll] has 4 cats, and we can hold them sometimes. cats are magical.
i feel so happy that we can be friends with you and that we have things in common. Have a wonderful weekend, dear Jet!
I can't add you on this computer as a friend, so feel free to do so , i've you like my profile.LOL
`ooooh now i understand why you believe in voodoo i've you live in such a place where its all happening.
I don't rescue dogs, but i love cats and try to work on my art work.
by the way thank you so much of the fave of my chain necklace.
I have found out that you can do it much simpler to i knit the chains. Karin has maked a version of it , i've you don't understand it, be free to ask me i have learned it lately too.LOL
much crafting fun and please be your self and be satisfied about it.;-D Hey have a good nice calmly weekend.;-D