
My name is Kay aka Memaw.I am a 71 years young single retired homemaker,mother of 2,grandmother of 4.I spend most of my time online and sewing.I make various crafty items such as potholders,tote bags,or whatever I feel inspires me.I have a small craft/sewing room where I do my creating.I like to make easy,simple things and sometimes I sell my items via free radio ads or free newspaper ads.
I became disabled in 1999 and always looking for new things to make.My grandmother taught me to sew many years ago and I've been addicted ever since.I love all the great tutorials I've found online but haven't made one myself yet.There's so much to do...so little time...LOL I'll get around to it one day...hee hee
Update: Hi,just to let you all know I am back after a few years away.I had a minor stroke in 2011 which kept me from doing the things I loved.However I am finally getting back to doing some of it but not too much sewing,mostly crocheting and other crafts.I do sew for people doing repairs but not much else.Hope fully this will be a better year for me.happy to be back with you guys again.Have a blessed day.

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