Scrappy Potholders
Ladies get out your scraps and make up these scrappy potholders, they're easy as 123!
First: cut out some 9"-10" squares(size is up to you)
You Will Need
Step 1
For the scrappy part cut any size pieces,sew them together to make a strip,make several strips and sew these strips together,press the whole thing down,then cut out squares from that piece.Mix and match pieces as you desire.You can even cut that big piece in half turn it and sew back on,sky's the limit!
Step 2
then cut out some filling squares same size(I use old flat blankets) and whatever else you have on hand to use as a filler,denim,polyester,etc works as well,as long as it's not too thick.Don't want to break a needle! I find that no more than 3 fillers is needed.
Next: cut out some long strips 2" wide and no certain length but mine are about a yard long.You will be cutting this off as you go along.I use mostly solid colors for this strip but your choice.
Press down 1/2" of the long piece all way down. -
Step 3
Next: Make a sandwich with scrappy squares on outside and quilt it all(I use the "X" but your choice.I find it best to pin the pieces down before you sew as they do tend to slide.
Then trim all the edges after sewing.Next:Take that long piece with folded edge to the right of you,fold the top edge down 1/2" or so and lay on top edge of one side of potholder,sew down the side to other end, needle down, cut off strip with 1/2" or so extra,then turn that up and sew across.
Next,turn it over and fold that piece to other side(will be wider)fold under the end of strip and sew down to the end,fold under that end and sew across.
On the last side at the last end, add a loop and sew across.Go back to 3rd edge and sew that down......DONE!I use bias strips (sew folded edge) for loops or make your own from scraps by cutting a strip 1 1/2" wide or so,fold down each side to meet in the middle,then fold again and sew down strip,cut off about 5" lengths for loops.
I have used up 3 big bags of scraps and have made a large tote box full so far so have fun ladies..warning! it's addictive!