Crafty Things I like: baking, cooking, knitting, painting, modding Nerf guns, minimal sewing, and really anything I can wrap my brain around. I really like gifty things and useful whatnots.
Non-crafty Things I like: my husband, my dogs, my church, singing, driving rental cars, reading cookbooks, making music, skipping, xbox360 games, Joss Whedon, netflix, vacation, organization, naming things, eating, other countries, Apple Inc., fuzzy blankets, fondue, and board games.
Words I use regularly that don't necessarily exist: fadoobadie, shnarf, chazwozzle, and snigglet.
Favorite tv shows that are no longer on the air: Firefly, Pushing Daisies, and Arrested Development.
One of the three wishes I would ask a Genie to grant: to be able to swim like a fish.
Dream Job: to build mansions and then live in them.
Non-crafty Things I like: my husband, my dogs, my church, singing, driving rental cars, reading cookbooks, making music, skipping, xbox360 games, Joss Whedon, netflix, vacation, organization, naming things, eating, other countries, Apple Inc., fuzzy blankets, fondue, and board games.
Words I use regularly that don't necessarily exist: fadoobadie, shnarf, chazwozzle, and snigglet.
Favorite tv shows that are no longer on the air: Firefly, Pushing Daisies, and Arrested Development.
One of the three wishes I would ask a Genie to grant: to be able to swim like a fish.
Dream Job: to build mansions and then live in them.
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Recent Activity
- commented on Perfect Bottomed Cake Pops 12 Jun 03:25
- favorited Perfect Bottomed Cake Pops 12 Jun 03:25
- commented on their comment Thanks for the fave :) to Lisa M. 23 Feb 03:59
- commented on their comment We used sandpaper on the logos, and any place we wanted weathering. If you use spray paint specific to plastic it's no necessary to sand them. I think we used a hammered paint to get that specific look. to Steampunk Nerf Guns 06 Dec 18:34
- commented on their comment Thanks for favoriting my Drip Cake :D to Madeleine 02 Nov 20:26
- commented on their comment Thanks for favoriting my Drip Cake :D to Madeleine 02 Nov 20:25
- entered their project Blue Velvet Cupcakes to Pop Bakery 07 Sep 05:48
- entered their project Carrot Cake! to Pop Bakery 07 Sep 05:48
- entered their project Lemon Tartlets to Pop Bakery 07 Sep 05:48
- commented on their comment We took them apart and sprayed each piece. A little time consuming, but well worth it. We also sanded down the logos, and a few of the edges to give them a worn look. to Steampunk Nerf Guns 31 Aug 01:44
- commented on their comment Beautiful! to Steampunk Nerf Guns 08 May 20:58
- commented on their comment Thanks for the faves :) to Spiffy555 26 Apr 20:34
Joined 2009

Cat Morley
London, GB
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